Dr. Triche Blog #2: Stare Decisis, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and the Attorney’s General’s “Certification” Power: Strategies for Preservation of the Rule of Law (When and if the Deluge Ensues)

Dr. Triche Blog #2: Stare Decisis, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and the Attorney’s General’s “Certification” Power: Strategies for Preservation of the Rule of Law (When and if the Deluge Ensues) Featured authority: 8 C.F.R. § 1003.1(h) (ecfr.gov) (accessed Dec. 21, 2024)[i] Hon. Alberto R. Gonzalez & Patrick Glen, Advancing Executive Branch Immigration Policy Through … Continue reading Dr. Triche Blog #2: Stare Decisis, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and the Attorney’s General’s “Certification” Power: Strategies for Preservation of the Rule of Law (When and if the Deluge Ensues)