More From Nolan Rappaport in “The Hill” on How the Trump Administration and Congress Could Agree on Immigration Reform

I found some common themes:

  1.  The Trump Administration needs to “Think Outside the Wall.”  Without some fundamental changes from Obama Administration policies and Trump rhetoric, nothing is going to change.
  2. There must be some type of legalization for “Dreamers” and others to get Immigration Court dockets back under control.
  3. Interior enforcement must be reinstated and employer sanctions enforced to cut off the “magnet” for undocumented immigration.
  4. Everyone involved must work together and compromise for our immigration system to be credible.



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Nolan Rappaport
Nolan Rappaport
8 years ago

I agree with Paul’s observations with one exception. I don’t like employer sanctions. It would be very effective if it were ever implemented on a large-scale, nationwide basis. But the employer sanctions program has been around since IRCA established it in 1986. That was 30 years ago! It’s not going to happen.

But I have an alternative that I think would be much easier to implement because it wouldn’t be based on who an employer hires. The sanctions would be for exploiting workers, regardless of immigration status or citizenship. I explain in the following article that I wrote with Prakash Khatri. Prakash was the first USCIS Ombudsman.

The key to successful immigration enforcement may be to let the Labor Department handle it. (November 23, 2016), 984594

If you read the article, I would appreciate some feedback.