NYT: President Trump Will Order Wall!


This breaking story from the NYT was passed on by Dan Kowalski over at LexisNexis:

“President Trump will order the construction of a Mexican border wall on Wednesday, White House officials said, and is mulling plans to stop Syrian refugees from entering the country and to slash immigration of refugees from “terror prone” nations, perhaps as early as this week.”


No real surprises here.  I had previously reported that the U.S. taxpayers will be on the hook for the cost of the border wall with only President’s Trump’s assurances that the Mexican Government will be reimbursing us.

And, as I have said many times before, I wake up every morning thankful that I woke up and that I’m not a refugee (particularly in today’s climate).

Interestingly, according to a recent Pew Research Center Poll, only a minority of Americans (39%) think that building a wall is a priority, while a majority (62%) favor legalization of those residing here without authorization and continuing to admit refugees on a humanitarian basis (61%). However, a majority of those surveyed (58%) do agree with President Trump that increasing deportations is important and that there should be stricter enforcement of those overstaying temporary visas (77%).

There does appear to be an opportunity for the Trump Administration to establish some type of national consensus on immigration. However, it does not appear to be exactly the same program that President Trump presented during his campaign. So, it would require some flexibility on all sides.

Read the complete Pew Research poll t this link:


