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Nolan writes:

“Senator Chuck Schumer (R-N.Y.) has dismissed the White House’s new Framework on Immigration Reform & Border security as a “wish list” for hard-liners. According to Schumer, Trump is using protection for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) participants as “a tool to tear apart our legal immigration system and adopt the wish list that anti-immigration hardliners have advocated for years.”

But Schumer’s own DACA proposal, which he put together as part of the Gang of Six, was just as unacceptable to Trump as Trump’s current proposal is to Schumer.

Schumer rejected Trump’s previous proposal, which was to establish a program for the 690,000 DACA participants that would continue their temporary legal status, and proposed a legalization program for a couple of million Dreamers. Moreover, he offered Trump just $1.591 billion for building a wall, which is only a small fraction of the amount he needs; and did not meaningfully address his chain migration concerns.That was not the first time Schumer has advocated a position he knew would be rejected. Four years ago, he moved his immigration reform bill, S.744, through the Senate despite the fact that it was opposed by 70 percent of the Senate Republicans.  It was dead on arrival in the Republican controlled House.

. . . .

This does not have to be an “either or” situation. The visas currently given to extended family members could be transitioned to a merit-based point system that would give extra credit for family ties to a citizen or LPR. Under such a system, aliens who have family ties would be chosen ahead of aliens with similar qualifications who do not have family ties.”


Go on over to The Hill at the above link to read Nolan’s complete analysis!

Seems like an idea worth exploring, particularly since current negotiations appear to be running up against a “brick wall.” No, it won’t resolve all of the outstanding issues. But trying to work the concepts of “merit and family” into one system could be a starting point. After all, it’s hard to argue that “family” doesn’t have “merit” — both for the individuals involved and for the U.S.



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Roxanne Fantl
Roxanne Fantl
6 years ago

Markups and committee discussions aside, what have you done to encourage the ‘coming-to-the table’ for justice to be served? Does your side want justice, or just to invite the hungry to the table to show them the food, and then wolf down your luxurious dinner and throw them the scraps? Are they not worthy of your scraps? Come on man, who sits at your table? And why do you think that *you* sit there?

Nolan Rappaport
Nolan Rappaport
6 years ago

I represented the immigration views of the Democrats for seven years when I was the immigration counsel on the House Immigration Subcommittee. I am retired now, but I try to bring the parties together with my articles.

You ask, “Does your side want justice”? And most Dems are asking similar questions. That’s why we haven’t had a comprehensive immigration reform bill in more than 30 years. Politicians don’t represent their own views. You can’t appeal to their sense of justice. They represent the people who put them in office. If you want to get a politician to do something, you have to show him how it will help his constituents, or his party or further the objectives set by party leadership. Unless he works with his party and party leadership, he won’t be able to do anything for his constituents.