"The Voice of the New Due Process Army" ————– Musings on Events in U.S. Immigration Court, Immigration Law, Sports, Music, Politics, and Other Random Topics by Retired United States Immigration Judge (Arlington, Virginia) and former Chairman of the Board of Immigration Appeals PAUL WICKHAM SCHMIDT and DR. ALICIA TRICHE, expert brief writer, practical scholar, emeritus Editor-in-Chief of The Green Card (FBA), and 2022 Federal Bar Association Immigration Section Lawyer of the Year. She is a/k/a “Delta Ondine,” a blues-based alt-rock singer-songwriter, who performs regularly in Memphis, where she hosts her own Blues Brunch series, and will soon be recording her first full, professional album. Stay tuned! 🎶 To see our complete professional bios, just click on the link below.
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement assistant field office director arrests an Iranian immigrant in San Clemente, California, in 2017.
You wake up early one morning to realize that men wearing bulletproof vestshave come to your home.They immediately demand to take you with them. They transport you thousands of miles away to a prison-like facility and tell you that you must stay there until a judge — who appears on a video screen — decides whether you can go back to live with your family or be directly transported to another country. You go through this process alone, with no ability to speak with an attorney or anyone who can give you knowledge of your legal rights or even help you make sense of what is happening.
This will soon be the reality for the tens of thousands of individuals who are arrested and held in detention facilities by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Earlier this month, the Department of Justice effectively decided to suspend the Legal Orientation Program, citing concerns about cost-effectiveness.
The Department of Justice established the LOP in 2003 to improve the efficiency of the immigration courts by helping unrepresented detained immigrants work with an attorney to prepare their cases. The program operates through 18 nonprofit organizations across the country and has a budget of just under $8 million. At least once a month, these organizations bring both paid attorneys and volunteers from the community to over 38 detention centers to educate detained immigrants about their rights through group orientations, individual consultations and self-help workshops.
These interactions with attorneys, along with the legal resources that the program makes available, help detained immigrants make informed decisions about their cases and prepare for their court hearings. LOP organizations also refer detained individuals to pro bono attorneys when they are unable to represent themselves or would benefit from direct legal representation.
A father and daughter from Honduras wait for assistance at the Immigrant Respite Center after they were released from U.S. immigration officials on Feb. 23 in McAllen, Texas.
The men, women and children who LOP assists cannot search for help from attorneys on their own — many are confined in detention centers located hours from a major city — and the government does not provide them an attorney. Without LOP staff and volunteers physically visiting detention centers, detained immigrants must resort to calling attorneys through a phone system that either requires purchasing a phone card (something that is difficult when you have no access to money, because you are detained) or hopinglaw offices will answer collect calls. As a result, 84 percent of detained individuals do not have legal representation in deportation proceedings.
For over 50,000 detained immigrants every year, LOP organizations have provided the only guaranteed source of legal information and assistance in making informed decisions about their deportation proceedings. Because LOP organizations can also communicate with pro bono attorneys on the outside, this program also plays a crucial role in connecting detained individuals to legal representation. Represented individuals are more than twice as likely to avoid deportation, meaning LOP providers are directly responsible for helping detained immigrants avoid being deported, being torn away from their families and suffering the collateral consequences of being forced out of the country, which can include death.
In my visits to immigration courts across the country as a volunteer attorney, I have witnessed firsthand how the LOP volunteers serve as a rare lifeline for immigrants in detention. Each visit, I play my part in the same heartbreaking scene: I arrive with other volunteer attorneys to find an empty room with a TV screen. We are connected to a feed at one of the country’s many detention facilities, located in remote towns that would take hours to physically reach.
There are a number of immigrants waiting patiently to speak with us, sometimes a handful, sometimes over a dozen, almost all without a lawyer to represent them. Many of them do not understand why they have been in immigration custody or what was going to happen during the hearing that day. We have just a short time before they appear in court, giving us on average less than 10 minutes to attempt to answer the dozens of questions they have about their immigration cases.
At the end of the conversation with every individual, we always inform them that they should speak more in-depth with a volunteer through the Legal Orientation Program’s monthly visit. During the hearing, the immigration judge parrots the same advice: that they should to speak with LOP volunteers for more help with their questions, to help them find an attorney and to prepare them for the next hearing.
The DOJ would effectively eliminate the only guaranteed way that detained immigrants can access guidance in a high-stakes legal setting.
Opponents of the Legal Orientation Program argue that the program is “duplicative” because immigration judges are supposed to advise immigrants of their rights during their hearings. First, we should give up the pretense that someone without a law degree can understand one of the most complex areas of law after hearing it for the first time in the middle of a courtroom proceeding.
This argument alsoignores the most important function of the Legal Orientation Program for immigrants and for defenders of the larger justice system in the U.S.: This program helps people find an attorney. An immigration judge, as opposed to an LOP volunteer, cannot, by definition, provide advice to the immigrant, cannot represent them in their hearings, and cannot facilitate communication with other attorneys who may provide them representation. The Legal Orientation Program fulfills these needs, which are pivotal to the functioning of a just legal system.
By cutting off individuals’ access to legal information through the Legal Orientation Program, and forcing those who are locked up during their deportation proceedings to get all information about their rights from an ostensibly neutral arbiter, the DOJ would effectively eliminate the only guaranteed way that detained immigrants can access crucial, reputable guidance in a high-stakes legal setting. This will affect the lives of everyone whom the current administration wants to detain, including those fleeing persecution, children, pregnant women, parents who are long-term residents of this country, people with medical conditions and even U.S. citizens.
In effect, without access to an LOP volunteer and attorney, almost anyone who is detained by ICE is virtually guaranteed to be deported, with no effective defense against a government attorney or an immigration judge, who has been mandated by this administration to close deportation cases as quickly as possible, fair day in court be damned.
If the Department of Justice moves to end the Legal Orientation Program for good, it will strip away the last shred of evidence that immigrants have a right to due process and will eliminate any semblance of justice left in the immigration system. The immigration courts will effectively become a sham, in utter betrayal of our country’s rich immigrant heritage.
Em Puhl is a San Joaquin Valley Law Fellow at the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, and a former attorney adviser at the Executive Office for Immigration Review in the Department of Justice.
Shortly after Em’s article came out, Sessions yielded to bipartisan pressure from Congress and “temporarily reinstated” the LOP. But, his so-far aborted attempt to destroy the LOP remains the most bone-headed, dishonest, and downright despicable attack yet on what little remains of the pretense of justice in our U.S.Immigration Courts by Sessions.
As a former U.S. Immigration Judge, I can testify, as can almost all of my former colleagues, DHS Assistant Chief Counsel, and anyone else actually familiar with and working in the Immigration Court system that the LOP probably provides the best “value for the dollar spent” of any program in EOIR.
Let’s be clear, as hard as the amazing volunteers in the LOP program work, and as much value as it provides for the money spent, it is the MINIMUM required to protect due process – and far from the ideal of access to counsel for all who appear before the immigration court. This administration’s double-punch of committing to keep as many in custody as possible while also effectively denying ANY legal advice, or even understanding of the process, to those in custody, makes abundantly clear its antipathy to due process and its determination to deport as many as possible as quickly as possible. And remember, if they eliminate due process in the immigration court, and we let them get away with it, they will be emboldened to do it in every court across the land!
Agreed! Carol! That’s why Trump & Sessions are a serious threat to the rights of all Americans, not just immigrants. I think we’re just seeing the “tip of the iceberg” of all the illegal activities going on within this Administration. I hope that they eventually come to light.
Let’s be clear, as hard as the amazing volunteers in the LOP program work, and as much value as it provides for the money spent, it is the MINIMUM required to protect due process – and far from the ideal of access to counsel for all who appear before the immigration court. This administration’s double-punch of committing to keep as many in custody as possible while also effectively denying ANY legal advice, or even understanding of the process, to those in custody, makes abundantly clear its antipathy to due process and its determination to deport as many as possible as quickly as possible. And remember, if they eliminate due process in the immigration court, and we let them get away with it, they will be emboldened to do it in every court across the land!
Agreed! Carol! That’s why Trump & Sessions are a serious threat to the rights of all Americans, not just immigrants. I think we’re just seeing the “tip of the iceberg” of all the illegal activities going on within this Administration. I hope that they eventually come to light.