“DOJ MISMANAGEMENT CENTRAL:” In Failing U.S. Immigration Courts, Political Interference & Idiotic Quotas Push 1.1 Million Plus Case Backlog Higher!


Immigration judges say quotas will increase backlog of cases

LOS ANGELES — Immigration judges say a new quota system threatens to increase an already overwhelming backlog of cases in U.S. immigration courts.

The system pushes for judges to close 700 cases a year and calls for them to be evaluated on that quota.

Immigration Judge Ashley Tabaddor said in a March 12 letter to lawmakers that the change would create a perception of government interference in the handling of cases that will lead more immigrants to file appeals.

Tabaddor, who heads the National Association of Immigration Judges, says the move could also flood federal courts with cases.

It can take years to get a decision in the immigration courts, which have more than 800,000 pending cases.

The letter followed testimony last week before a House subcommittee by James McHenry, who oversees the nation’s immigration courts.

A message sent to immigration court officials was not immediately returned.


Apparently, it’s going to take a complete collapse of not only the U.S. Immigration Courts but the entire Federal Judicial System (certainly on the horizon as the Immigration Courts’ systematic failure to provide expertise, impartial decision-making, Due Process, and fundamental fairness is pushing more and more cases into the Article III Courts). Unfortunately, to date, both Congress and the Article IIIs seem largely willing to watch disaster unfold, rather than taking the bold remedial action required to wrest the Immigration Court System out of the clutches of a spectacularly unqualified Department of Justice and reconstitute them as an independent court system where the standards of Due Process are taught, applied, and enforced!

In the meantime, lives are being needlessly, sometimes intentionally, endangered each day by our failure to live up to the U.S. Constitution!

