Clown in Chief

Former National Security Clown
By Paul Wickham Schmidt
“Johnny B” was ousted by “Don the Con” short of his lifelong dream of starting World War III. But, remember who appointed this clown in the first place, knowing full well his record of dangerous and senseless saber rattling.
Undoubtedly, Johnny’s successor will be equally or almost as unqualified. It’s hard to imagine anyone being worse than Bolton, but if anyone could pull it off, it would be “Don the Con.” Rest assured, however, that no matter who gets the nod, the unrelenting “Clown Show” will continue under the “Big Top” (the building formerly known as the “White House”) with the security of the world at stake.
Truly, our Republic is in clear and present danger every day this unstable, ignorant, and spectacularly unqualified imposter remains in office, impersonating a President.
The stronghhold of this corrupt Trump vs. The United States of American Democracy is defeating our efforts to restrain him.
The Democrats are losing the war and the strategy needs to change.
Our country and lives are in the throws of a dire threat of death, perpetrated by Donald Trump’s persistant, lawless power grab to overthrow our democracy.
A revolution needs to take place with an all out battle to defeat him and save our lives.
Our highest courts have been corrupted with no possibility of just rulings,with a prescription for dictatorship, its trajectory. Our House of Representatives has been rendered impotent by this current government, violating the rule of law every single day, unbridled, with monumental consequential impacts for our country and the world.
Our Senate,with Moscow Mitch in the drivers seat has become so powerful with dark money and a sinister direction for our country, so firmly planted and nurtured by the corporate beginnings of ALEC, that an impeachment proceeding is off the resolution table.
Our Constitution based on three equal branches of government is meaningless because it can’t be enforced .
Our elections have been corrupted with dangerous influence encouraged and supported,
The political gerrymander is running rampid throughout the US with no end in sight.
Blatantly illegitimate elections are allowed to continue with unprosecuted politicians responsible, and taking office.
How are we to put to put a stop to this despot, and his band of criminals, waging devastation and war, with racist, inhumane, and immoral treatment in policy and practice, against our citizens of all color, creed and religion, immigrants, and our allies worldwide?
It seems that the power of our Military should be able to step in to remove this clear and present danger to the world.
As a Democratic nation, if the power of our Military cannot protect us, I see no other way to stop this lunatic, from setting off a near future nuclear war, than to move toward a civil revolution to restore our democracy to sanity.
I posted a comment earlier today which was under review.
Iam assuming it was unacceptable for publication because it disappeared.
Could someone email to let me know which of the content was unacceptable and why?
The feedback will help me become a better writer.
Thank You.
Sorry for the delay, Denise.
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