BIA CHAIR DAVID NEAL “RETIRES” — Likely Forced Out For Not Being On “Team Trump”
By Paul Wickham Schmidt
Sources say that the long expected announcement was made by e-mail today. Neal was a Republican with close ties to Senator and then Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas. Interestingly, he was appointed Chair in 2012, during the Obama Administration. Some have claimed that to “grease the skids,” he presented himself then as a RINO (“Republican In Name Only”).
If true, that strategy wouldn’t be career enhancing under the Trump regime at DOJ, where even long term GOP politicos are often considered insufficiently racist and restrictionist on immigration. Witness the fate of long time GOP operative L. Francis Cissna over at USCIS and DHS. Or, the way that the DOJ happily joined Trump in trashing the integrity of former GOP appointees Jim Comey and Bob Mueller.
No word on a replacement. But, we can expect someone who will make Attila the Hun look like a moderate on human rights and Due Process of law.

Wishful thinking liberals can claim that American legal and Constitutional institutions are “standing up” to Trump’s White Nationalist authoritarianism. In reality, they are rolling over and dissolving before our eyes.