Who knows about the merits of an “anonymous” exposé. But, in Philip Rucker’s report for the WashPost, the excerpts about Trump’s intentionally cruel, ignorant, misogynistic, racist, White Nationalist approach certainly ring true:
The book depicts Trump as making misogynistic and racist comments behind the scenes.
“I’ve sat and listened in uncomfortable silence as he talks about a woman’s appearance or performance,” the author writes. “He comments on makeup. He makes jokes about weight. He critiques clothing. He questions the toughness of women in and around his orbit. He uses words like ‘sweetie’ and ‘honey’ to address accomplished professionals. This is precisely the way a boss shouldn’t act in the work environment.”
The author alleges that Trump attempted a Hispanic accent during an Oval Office meeting to complain about migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.
“We get these women coming in with like seven children,” Trump said, according to the book. “They are saying, ‘Oh, please help! My husband left me!’ They are useless. They don’t do anything for our country. At least if they came in with a husband we could put him in the fields to pick corn or something.”
The author argues that Trump is incapable of leading the United States through a monumental international crisis, describing how he tunes out intelligence and national security briefings and theorizing that foreign adversaries see him as “a simplistic pushover” who is susceptible to flattery and easily manipulated.
Here’s link to Rucker’s complete article:

White House Bureau Chief
Washington Post
My observation: While the book claims that senior officials decided not to “resign en masse” because it would have further destabilized the Government, how could things be much worse than they are now? We could still have a national emergency at any moment that Trump will screw up, not to mention that Trump is busy undermining our democracy, dividing our country, and selling out our national security. If the account is true, then I think that “anonymous & co.” did our country a huge, perhaps fatal, disservice by not going through with the en masse resignation and publicly sharing all that they knew about Trump’s glaring unsuitability for office.
Yeah, I suppose a recession would make things “even worse.” That we haven’t had one yet probably just shows that the economy operates to a large extent beyond Presidential control. And, it’s a sure bet that if we do have a downturn, Trump and his band of incompetents won’t have any idea how to handle it, beyond the “strategy” of blaming someone else.
It’s also remarkable that an Administration known for its paranoia can’t find “the leaker in their midst.”
Overall, by not coming forward and publicly revealing him or herself, “Anonymous” reduces his or her credibility and undermines the message of dire warning.
On the other hand, it’s hardly “breaking news” that Trump is a malicious incompetent and those around him are his “toady enablers.”