NDPA NEWS: THE ROUND TABLE OF FORMER IMMIGRATION JUDGES: An Impressive Body Of Work Advancing & Defending Due Process!

Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Our fearless leader, Judge Jeffrey S. Chase reports on the list of Amicus Briefs we have filed since the summer of 2017:
1. BIA Matter of Negusie (7/10/2017) 7 White & Case
2. AG Matter of Castro-Tum (2/16/2018) 14 Akin Gump
3. 9th Cir. CJLG v. Sessions (3/15/2018) 11 Simpson Thacher
4. 10th Cir. Matumona v. Sessions (3/21/2018) 11 Sidley Austin
5. AG Matter of A-B- (4/27/2018) 16 Gibson Dunn
6. 5th Cir. Canterero v. Sessions (5/23/2018) 13 Sidley Austin
7. 9th Cir. Rodriguez v. Sessions (7/27/2018) 20 Wilmer Hale
8. BIA Matter of M-J- (8/07/2018) 20 Gibson Dunn
9. 4th Cir. N.H. v. Whitaker (2/14/2019) 27 Gibson Dunn
10. 10th Cir. Matumona v. Whitaker (2/19/2019) 24 Sidley Austin
11. 1st Cir. OLDB v. Barr (3/11/2019) 27 Gibson Dunn
12. 2d Cir. Orellana v. Barr (4/09/2019) 26 NYU Law School
13. 2d Cir. Kadria v. Barr (4/05/2019) 25 NYU Law School
14. 2d Cir. Banegas-Gomez v. Barr 26 NYU Law School
15. 2d Cir. Pastor v. Barr (4/10/2019) 26 NYU Law School
16. 3d Cir. Giudice v. Att’y Gen.(2 briefs) 26 NYU Law School
17. 1st Cir. De Pena Paniagua v. Barr (4/22/2019)29 Gibson Dunn
18. 9th Cir. Karingithi v. Barr (4/25/19) Boston College Law School
19. 1st Cir. Pontes v. Barr (4/25/2019) Boston College Law School
20. 10th Cir. Zavala-Ramirez v. Barr (5/01/2019) Boston College Law School
21. 10th Cir. Lopez-Munoz v. Barr (5/01/2019) Boston College Law School
22. Sup. Ct. Barton v. Barr (7/03/2019) 27 Pillsbury Winthrop
23. N.D. Ca. East Bay Sanctuary v. Barr 24 Covington
24. 9th Cir. Padilla v. ICE (9/04/2019) 29 Wilmer Cutler
25. 5th Cir. Sorev v. Barr (9/25/2019) 30 White & Case
26. 1st Cir. Boutriq v. Barr (9/25/2019) 31 Harvard Law School
27. 3d Cir. Ramirez-Perez v. Att’y Gen. (10/03/19) 31 Harvard Law School
28. 3d Cir. Nkomo v. Att’y Gen. (10/07/2019) 30 Boston College Law School
29. 9th Cir. Martinez-Mejia v. Barr (10/25/2019) 23 Texas A&M Law School
30. 4th Cir. Quintero v. Barr (11/04/2019) 27 Akin Gump
31. 3d Cir. Campos-Tapia v. Barr (11/25/19) 30 Texas A&M Law School
32. 2d Cir. Guasco v. Barr (12/11/2019) 31 Harvard Law School
33. Sup. Ct. Nasrallah v. Barr (12/16/2019) 33 Gibson Dunn
34. 1st Cir. Doe v. Tompkins (12/23/2019) 34 Jerome Mayer-Cantu, Esq.
Great work! Proud and honored to be a member of the Round Table!
And, of course, special appreciation and a big shout out to all of of those wonderful firms, lawyers, institutions, and organizations listed above who have “given us a voice” by providing beyond outstanding pro bono representation!