Houston Bureau Chief
LA Times

Foreign Correspondent
LA Times
MARCH 20, 20209:48 AM
WASHINGTON — The U.S. and Mexico have agreed to restrict all nonessential travel across their shared border in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, President Trump said Friday, adding that he was invoking the Defense Production Act to increase output of badly needed medical supplies.
The tax filing deadline has been extended from April 15 to July 15, Trump added at the news conference, noting that people who have refunds due can still file early.
“Both our countries know the importance of working together to limit the spread of the virus and to ensure the commerce that supports both our economies keeps flowing,” Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo said after announcing the agreement with Mexico. The new restrictions will take effect on Saturday, he said.
The U.S. and Mexico were in discussions to ensure that workers, including legal agricultural workers, could continue to cross the border for their jobs, Pompeo said, noting that the aim was not to interfere with commerce.
Under the new rules, the Border Patrol will begin returning all undocumented immigrants directly to Mexico or Canada when they are caught at the border, rather than detaining them in the U.S., said Chad Wolf, acting secretary of Homeland Security.
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Read the complete article at the link.
Seems to me that the regime has been dumping and orbiting folks back across the border without any due process for some time now. So, can anybody explain what’s different about what they are doing now — except to promote the false implication that asylum seekers are responsible for the spread of the pandemic and that summarily removing them somehow ”solves a problem” or makes us “safer?”
Actually, what’s endangering our health is 1) gross lack of testing capacity; and 2) lack of a strong, clearly articulated, consistent, coordinated national response by the Feds. Neither has anything to do with asylum seekers. Indeed, had the regime not wasted so much time, attention, manpower, and money on focusing DHS almost exclusively on turning back bona fide asylum seekers, we likely would have been able to put together a better response to the real national emergency we now face.