Artistic Director
Dearest Flores Readers –
I hope this finds you and your loved ones as safe and comfortable as possible right now.
We created a 90-second video – its a series of excerpts about the lack of access to healthcare in immigration detention facilities as a way to highlight how dangerous it is for anyone to be in detention during COVID-19.
Can you post or share this video on social media?
It will have a great impact – it will help engage more people in the movement to get people out of detention.
All info about how to post is below.
I’ve also included a few relevant news stories in case you’re interested in more context. And, there is information about one direct action you can take if you are interested.
Feel free to be in touch if you have any questions.
(AND – if you are also working on this issue and have other ideas about how this video, or the project, can be most effective at this time, we are all ears, our digital doors are open.)
With love,
The video is posted to our social media channels:
or DOWNLOAD the video directly:
https://vimeo.com/403007841 / password: criterion
(*choose the 4K file)
CAPTION – use ours or write your own:
These first-hand stories from June 2019 can help us understand why it’s so urgent to get people out of detention during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
COPY These Hashtags
#FreeThemAll #FreeThemAllGov #HealthNotPunishment #floresexhibits
(This is the most direct way to connect your message and your followers to the movement among advocates and policy makers.)
ACTION – if you want to take an action today, this is from RAICES Texas:
> Call the San Antonio ICE Field Office at (210) 283-4712
> “Hi, my name is _____ and I am calling to demand the release of all immigrant detainees from the Residential Centers at Karnes and Pearsall due to the imminent threat of COVID-19. If you don’t, we are all at risk.”
Judge orders release of 10 detained immigrants from NJ jails
Judge Gee orders gov’t to “rmake continued efforts” to release migrant children
Judge declines to release families in detention in TX + NJ
Detained Immigrants File a Lawsuit
FOLLOW these incredible advocacy organizations to stay informed about the issues and amplify important actions they are instigating:
Detention Watch Network (@DetentionWatch)
Southern Border Community Coalition (@SBCCoalition)
New Sanctuary Coalition (@NewSanctuaryNYC)
ACLU – Border Rights (@ACLU_BRC)
Join the New Due Process Army and fight to end official child abuse and Article III judicial complicity!
What kind of society allows its government to abuse children? Whatever happened to accountability? How about ethics and common sense for Article III Judges who could end the abuse, but haven’t? How would you feel if your children were treated this way by the authorities? There is a reprehensible “double standard” at work here!
Due Process Forever! Child Abuse Never!
UPDATE: While folks like McHenry and the operators of the DHS Gulag provide misleading information, or perhaps outright lies, to Federal Judges, Courtside’s sources say that at least six individuals with some connection to the Immigration Courts have died from coronavirus. While I admittedly have no way of “independently verifying” this information, I’d bet that there are many more Immigration Court or Gulag-related coronavirus deaths and serious infections out there that I do not know about!
Why, I wonder, would any Federal Judge accept the word of someone like McHenry or officials in the DHS Gulag over affidavits from detainees, filings from experts, and the advice we hear from the Surgeon General, Dr, Fauci, and Dr. Birx every day? Stay home means “stay home!”
Nobody with any understanding of our immigration system could reasonably believe that running one more removal hearing or keeping non-criminals in prison is worth endangering lives and spreading disease! What in the recent public history of DHS Detention and EOIR would lead a Federal Judge to credit any information on “best practices” on public health provided by these inherently unreliable and incompetent organizations?