GREAT 👍🏼 NEWS IN DIFFICULT TIMES: THANKS IOWA! — Vile White Supremacist Rep. Steve King (R-IA) Defeated in GOP Primary!

Siobhan Hughes
Siobhan Hughes
Congressional Correspondent

Siobhan Hughes reports for the WSJ:

WASH­ING­TON—Rep. Steve King (R., Iowa), who was stripped of com­mit­tee as­sign­ments last year for ques­tion­ing what was wrong with white supremacy in the U.S., lost his bid for a 10th term af­ter Re­pub­li­cans aban­doned his cam­paign and en­dorsed a pri­mary chal­lenger.

Randy Feen­stra, a state leg­is­la­tor, had 45.8% of the vote with 36 of 39 coun­ties re­port­ing, ac­cord­ing to Iowa’s sec­re­tary of state. He was po­si­tioned to win a five-way pri­mary, the As­so­ci­ated Press pro­jected, and eas­ily clear a 35% thresh­old that un­der state law al­lows him to avoid a state con­ven­tion choos­ing the nom­i­nee. Mr. Feen­stra will com­pete against De­mo­c­rat J.D. Scholten, a for­mer pro­fes­sional baseball player who also tried to win the seat in 2018.

Mr. King, whose dis­trict is home to gi­ant meat-pro­cess­ing fa­cil­i­ties with a large im­mi­grant work­force, has a his­tory of crit­i­ciz­ing im­mi­grants.

In 2013, Mr. King, the only Iowa Re­pub­li­can in the House, com­pared His­panic im­mi­grants to drug mules, say­ing that “for every one who’s a vale­dic­to­rian, there’s an­other 100 out there that, they weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes be­cause they’re haul­ing 75 pounds of mar­i­juana across the desert.” That trig­gered a re­buke from then-House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio), who said that “what he said does not re­flect the val­ues of the Amer­i­can peo­ple or the Re­pub­li­can Party.”

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Read the rest of Siobhan’s article at the link.

Probably the best news of the week.

In 21 years on the immigration bench, at both the trial and appellate levels, I saw first-hand the amazing, essential, and largely unheralded contributions of immigrants (both documented and undocumented) to our society, at all levels. King’s racist rhetoric was so outrageously and demonstrably unfair and untrue! 

As the essential workers who have basically kept America afloat during the pandemic, many at risk of their own health and safety, have shown, it is long past time for us to “lose” the Trump/Miller White Nationalist nonsense, stop caging kids and returning asylum seekers to danger, and integrate the millions of law abiding undocumented residents into our society. The “Dred Scottification of the other” by Trump, which has been disgracefully enabled by a tone-deaf Supreme Court and feckless Congress, needs to end! Removal of King is a small, but significant, step.

Thanks again to Siobhan for giving this story the clear and timely reporting it deserves.

Due Process Forever!

