Brittany Bakken, Kelsey Friberg, and I are thrilled to share with you that Matter of HGG has been reversed. Of course, the government will appeal. Nevertheless, a great way to end a Monday.
Best regards,
Fullo demission here:
Hats off to these fierce “Warriors of The New Due Process Army” 🏆⭐️🥇

Managing Attorney
Wilson Law Group, Source:

Senior Attorney
Wilson Law Group

Associate Attorney
Wilson Law Group
The case is Hernandez v. Barr, USDC D MN
Not only was the USCIS position a violation of the plain meaning of the statute, as found by Chief Judge Tunheim, it is totally stupid from a policy standpoint! With hundreds of thousands of law-abiding TPS recipients in the U.S., integrated into our society, and contributing to our economy, a rational, non-racist, non-xenophobic Administration would welcome and utilize ways of integrating them into our legal immigration system. Instead, the Trump kakistocracy, wastes time, squanders resources, and violates the law looking for bogus ways to “get to no.” How dumb and counterproductive can it get!
Due Process Forever! Kakistocracy never!