Associate Professor
Director, Immigrant Rights Clinic
U of Baltimore Law
Photo: U of Baltimore Law Website

Clinical Professor
Director, Immigrant Rights Clinic
Duke Law
Photo: Duke Law Website
In the hopes this will be helpful to any of you who are dealing with Negusie issues, I wanted to share my forthcoming article on Duress in Immigration Law, which evolved from my own litigation in this arena. As we challenge this new AG decision (for however long it lasts!), I highly, highly recommend Kate Evans’s Drawing Lines Among the Persecuted, as well.
I am so looking forward to critiquing the AG’s decision thanks to the scholarship Margaret Taylor and Maureen Sweeney have done around deference in the context of AG certification. This community is unendingly helpful!
Elizabeth Keyes
Associate Professor, Director of the Immigrant Rights Clinic
University of Baltimore School of Law
Thanks for sharing, Liz & Kate!
Soon, Billy will be peddling his bias, bigotry, and balderdash in Breitbart News or the National Enquirer where it deservedly will get little notice outside the “Twilight Zone” where Billy and his buddies operate! (Sorry, Billy, but you might have fallen below the “Fox News Threshold!”)
Folks like Liz and Kate are leading intellects with experience and credentials earned by working in the trenches at the “retail levels” of our now-cratering justice system! They would solve problems, “get this system working” the way it should, and make equal justice for all a reality!
I hope that the Biden-Harris Administration will give them, and others like them, many women and minorities, a chance to do just that when it comes to filling judicial and public policy positions! We need to get the immense brain power, humanity, energy, and positive leadership currently available in the private, NGO, and clinical academic sectors into public policy positions where they can achieve “maximum common good” for all of us!
Due Process Forever!