Official portrait of Vice President Joe Biden in his West Wing Office at the White House, Jan. 10, 2013. (Official White House Photo by David Lienemann).
Following the “official” beginning of his transition, President-Elect Joe Biden showed why an impressive majority of Americans wisely called on him and his running mate Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris at this pivotal moment in history to preserve and rescue our nation, solve pressing problems, and return us to a positive leadership role in a world that needs and longs for it.
Biden praised the recent sincere cooperation from the outgoing Administration. He vowed to make his top priorities controlling the pandemic and getting the American economy and the now bleak jobs picture back on track to success. He promised to focus on the hardest hit communities — primarily minority communities who have disproportionately borne the brunt of COVID-19 while providing essential services to all Americans. In that respect, he has already been listening to the advice and input of state governors, mayors, and local officials of both parties. Helping hard pressed state and local governments will be high on his “to do” list.
The President-Elect vowed to push forward with sound immigration, environmental, and climate change policies in the early days of his Administration. To assist in the effort, he initially tapped a group of acknowledged Government experts and veteran public servants to help and advise him and Vice President Harris in their Cabinet. Professionalism, demonstrated excellence in public service, and expertise were the common qualities of the nominees.
So far, Biden’s Cabinet choices, apparently also reflecting Vice President-Elect Harris’s influence, look like the nation they will be serving. They come from a variety of backgrounds and embody the gender and racial diversity of America.
While some commentators have expressed concerns of an “Obama IIIl” look to the Cabinet, Biden scotched that idea. He correctly pointed out that America is a much different nation facing a much different world than when he left the Vice Presidency four years ago. We face a new range of problems that must be solved. He promised to provide the type of unifying, empirically based, empathetic, and forward-looking leadership that will allow us to surmount the current challenges and move forward together to greater heights!
Significantly, Biden told Holt he would eschew political vendettas and appeared determined to restore integrity, professionalism, and independence to a broken and dysfunctional Justice Department.
The proof will be in the governing and the actions, although Biden noted the important role played by a President’s rhetoric and universal leadership qualities. Undoubtedly, things will not be perfect. But, so far, Biden appears to be on the right track and setting the correct tone for what is likely to be the most important Presidency since Abraham Lincoln (and arguably, the most important in American history).
Come January 20, 2021, the circus will be pulling up stakes and leaving town. Let the governing begin!