Former US Secretary of Labor
Professor of Public Policy
CAL Berkeley
Creative Commons License
. . . .
Trump has brought impunity to the highest office in the land, wielding a wrecking ball to the most precious windowpane of all – American democracy.
The message? A president can obstruct special counsels’ investigations of his wrongdoing, push foreign officials to dig up dirt on political rivals, fire inspectors general who find corruption, order the entire executive branch to refuse congressional subpoenas, flood the Internet with fake information about his opponents, refuse to release his tax returns, accuse the press of being “fake media” and “enemies of the people”, and make money off his presidency.
And he can get away with it. Almost half of the electorate will even vote for his reelection.
A president can also lie about the results of an election without a shred of evidence – and yet, according to polls, be believed by the vast majority of those who voted for him.
Trump’s recent pardons have broken double-pane windows.
Not only has he shattered the norm for presidential pardons – usually granted because of a petitioner’s good conduct after conviction and service of sentence – but he’s pardoned people who themselves shattered windows. By pardoning them, he has rendered them unaccountable for their acts.
They include aides convicted of lying to the FBI and threatening potential witnesses in order to protect him; his son-in-law’s father, who pleaded guilty to tax evasion, witness tampering, illegal campaign contributions, and lying to the Federal Election Commission; Blackwater security guards convicted of murdering Iraqi civilians, including women and children; Border Patrol agents convicted of assaulting or shooting unarmed suspects; and Republican lawmakers and their aides found guilty of fraud, obstruction of justice and campaign finance violations.
It’s not simply the size of the broken window that undermines standards, according to Wilson and Kelling. It’s the willingness of society to look the other way. If no one is held accountable, norms collapse.
Trump may face a barrage of lawsuits when he leaves office, possibly including criminal charges. But it’s unlikely he’ll go to jail. Presidential immunity or a self-pardon will protect him. Prosecutorial discretion would almost certainly argue against indictment, in any event. No former president has ever been convicted of a crime. The mere possibility of a criminal trial for Trump would ignite a partisan brawl across the nation.
Congress may try to limit the power of future presidents – strengthening congressional oversight, fortifying the independence of inspectors general, demanding more financial disclosure, increasing penalties on presidential aides who break laws, restricting the pardon process, and so on.
But Congress – a co-equal branch of government under the Constitution – cannot rein in rogue presidents. And the courts don’t want to weigh in on political questions.
The appalling reality is that Trump may get away with it. And in getting away with it he will have changed and degraded the norms governing American presidents. The giant windows he’s broken are invitations to a future president to break even more.
Nothing will correct this unless or until an overwhelming majority of Americans recognize and condemn what has occurred.
Read Reich’s full article at the link.
As I have mentioned, the lack of accountability could be a problem for the Biden-Harris Administration. And, 74 million voters who pulled the lever for an overtly corrupt, anti-American, racist, clown is an even bigger obstacle to the future of our nation.
On the other hand, although he was a “minority President” from the git go, Trump had nothing but contempt for the majority of us who didn’t favor his maliciously incompetent and divisive policies; he completely disregarded both truth and the common good.
Biden and Harris start with something that Trump never had — the support of a clear majority of 7 million plus voters. So, if they govern wisely, humanely, and in the public interest they could succeed in saving our nation from the 74 million who joined Trump’s war against American democracy. And despite their short-signtedness and intransigence, the 74 million and their families in Trumpland will get the benefits of better government in the public interest. Sometimes, you have to save folks in spite of themselves.
If the policies of decency, honesty, courage, and governing in the public interest work, it could create a longer-term governing majority. If not, it will still be worth a shot at saving our democracy. Another Administration of Trump and his minority minions would be the end of our democracy anyway — the majority of us have little to lose by giving it our best shot with the Biden Harris Team!
24 days and counting!
Due Process Forever!⚖️🗽🇺🇸👍