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Politics & Finance Writer
Vanity Fair
Couldn’t have said it better myself, Bess!
Many of us who have witnessed the illegal, immoral, and inhuman treatment inflicted by Trump and his neo-Nazi thugs, both inside and outside government, on migrants and asylum seekers have been sounding the alarm for the past four years.
Now, everyone is suddenly waking up to the anti-American conduct of the party of thugs, racists, traitors, and cowards that is today’s GOP.
And, we shouldn’t forget the shameful role of the corrupt, unqualified, and spineless GOP majority of the Supremes, whose disgraceful failure to protect the rights and humanity of the most vulnerable among us from abuse by Trump, Miller, and their group thugs has led to this entirely predictable moment.
Reforming the Supremes will require the disempowerment of the treasonous GOP and the eventual establishment of a Democratic super majority that can reform the broken Federal Judicial system, starting with the mess on our highest Court.
Almost from day one of this lawless regime, the Supremes’ GOP majority has failed miserably to defend our democracy and humanity from tyranny, racism, and neo-fascism. We need and deserve better from our highest level of life-tenured Federal Judges!
Don’t believe the GOP BS💩 and the disingenuous “fake outrage”from members and enablers of the Party of Treason. Trump’s treason is an entirely predictable, even inevitable, outcome of modern Republicanism and a disgraceful party that gives “cover” to scumbag traitors and instigators like Cruz, Hawley, Johnson, McCarthy and others. These anti-American insurrectionists and purveyors of conspiracy theories, racism, lies, and anti-Constitutionalism should also be held accountable for their crimes!
You can read the rest of The Levin Report, including the disgusting antics of Trump’s scumbag kids, at this link:
Here’s Bess’s bottom line on Ivanka, Eric, & “super moron” Donnie, Jr:
In sum, the stupidity is an inherited trait and the president’s offspring apparently think they’re going to be able to launder their images.
🇺🇸⚖️🗽👍🏼Due Process Forever! The GOP of treason, 🤮☠️🏴☠️never!