Photonby Ryuji Suzuki
Kathleen writes:
I’m on a podcast — direct link is here, hosted by Ann Price of Community Evaluation Solutions in Georgia.
Ann is active in evaluation circles nationally. Her evaluation practice and podcast center on Georgia and its community-based social service organizations.
On the pod we make the following points:
(1) Advocacy is an important tactic to achieve social change goals.
(2) Strong advocacy is led by affected communities. Allies in the nonprofit and philanthropy sectors provide important support to community-led change.
(3) Elected officials need and want input from service providers in their districts. Whether you have lots of time for advocacy or only a very limited amount of time, your input can make a difference.
(4) Help is available for community organizations that want to investigate advocacy but are not sure what they are legally permitted to do. Bolder Advocacy, a program of Alliance for Justice, provides technical assistance and training.
The podcast went up on Tuesday January 25.
Here’s where I am on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/katilist/
I’m @Katilist and Ann is @annwprice on Twitter.
Thanks, Kathleen, my friend, and Ann for putting this important guidance together and making it accessible!
Also, a special “shout out” to Bolder Advocacy at Alliance for Justice for their expertise in helping 501(c)(3) orgs “color within the lines” especially during these challenging times.
As I constantly preach, expertise is important, even if Democrats too often “don’t get that” when dealing with human rights, and other social and racial justice issues.
🇺🇸Due Process Forever!