National Immigration Reporter, Reuters
Hi there all,
I wanted to share with you our latest Reuters investigation about unaccompanied minors released to the town of Enterprise, Alabama where the chicken industry is booming and we profiled a teen who easily found work after she was released from federal custody. We detail how last summer U.S. Department of Health and Human Services temporarily halted releases from shelters to the town, as several federal agencies probed whether migrants were at risk. While no child trafficking has been found, labor exploitation of migrants there is being investigated.
Read more, and share, here: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-immigration-alabama/
This follows our coverage of the reunification of one migrant family separated in 2017 at the U.S.-Mexico border under Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy who was reunited in January. We have been in touch with the family since 2020.
Here is the story with a graphic that shows the scale of the work of the Biden administration’s reunification task force:
and here is the story with additional photographs of this family’s long and painful journey:
We also were able to report on another heartwarming reunion, after a family lost their baby in the chaos of the evacuation of Afghanistan. Our story published last November helped lead to tips that located the baby in Kabul so he could be reunited with relatives there and hopefully soon taken to the United States to join his parents who have resettled in Michigan:
We are continuing coverage of all these important issues so please keep in touch with tips and story ideas!
All the best,
Mica Rosenberg
Reuters News
National Immigration Reporter
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email: mica.rosenberg@thomsonreuters.com
Thanks, Mica, for giving us an in-depth look at the “human side” of these issues!
🇺🇸Due Process Forever!