Alexandra Villarreal
Alexandra Villarreal
Freelance Reporter
The Guardian

Alexandra Villarreal reports for The Guardian:


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On the line are millions of futures. Undocumented immigrants who fear being split from their American children and spouses, people facing persecution and death in their countries of origin, or those being sent to countries they haven’t seen in decades are all fighting for fair play and often literally their lives in courts ill-equipped to do them justice.

“Let’s make it absolutely clear: due process is suffering,” said Muzaffar Chishti, a senior fellow at the Migration Policy Institute. “There’s just no way around that.”

Chishti said he sees all the hallmarks of a strong administrative law system suffering in the nation’s immigration courts, which are housed under the Department of Justice in the executive branch of the federal government, not within the judicial branch.

“It is a system in crisis,” he said.

After Trump made hardline anti-immigration policies pivotal to his 2016 presidential campaign, he flooded courts with judges more inclined to order deportations, Reuters reported.

His administration hired so many new immigration judges so hastily that the American Bar Association warned of “under-qualified or potentially biased judges”, many of whom had no immigration experience.

And as officials such as then-attorney general Jeff Sessions made sweeping proclamations that “the vast majority of asylum claims are not valid”, judges simultaneously confronted performance metrics demanding they each race through at least 700 cases a year.

Yet in the roughly 70 US immigration courts across the country, judges are deciding complex cases with potentially lethal consequences.

People ranging from asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico to unaccompanied children crossing the border on foot, to longtime undocumented residents with families stateside end up appearing in court, often without attorneys to help them parse the country’s byzantine laws.

In a process smacking of a zip code lottery, one judge in New York may grant nearly 95% of asylum petitions while colleagues in Atlanta almost universally deny similar requests, creating a patchwork of standards.

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Read Alexandra’s full report at the link.

Alfred E. Neumann
Garland’s stubbornly indolent approach to racial justice and due process at “Justice” endangers the lives of millions of vulnerable humans! PHOTO: Wikipedia Commons

Not news to Courtside readers or the millions whose lives and futures are caught up in Garland’s totally dysfunctional morass! And, that doesn’t even include hundreds of thousands of migrants orbited to danger under bogus “border closure” gimmicks that Garland and his ethically-challenged DOJ continue to defend!

While Garland and his top lieutenants might be too willfully tone deaf to “get it,” many legislators are “connecting the dots” between the systemic racial injustice and indifference to human life exhibited in Garland’s failed immigration justice system and the endemic problem of racial justice in America.  See, e.g.https://www.menendez.senate.gov/newsroom/press/menendez-booker-lead-100-congressional-colleagues-in-urging-president-biden-to-reverse-inhumane-immigration-policies-impacting-black-migrants

There will be no racial justice in America without immigrant justice!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!

