PHOTO: Wikipedia Commons
I can’t even keep up with the ludicrously bad EOIR decisions being “outed” by the Circuits and, worse yet, mindlessly (and probably unethically) defended by the DOJ’s OIL. Here’s just one afternoon’s “haul:” https://www.ca4.uscourts.gov/opinions/211163.U.pdf (4th Cir., failure to follow precedent, improper one-judge appellate decision); https://www.ca2.uscourts.gov/decisions/isysquery/d0d1a22c-4e59-4b4d-9439-92e57e7339ec/2/doc/20-3476_opn.pdf#xml=https://www.ca2.uscourts.gov/decisions/isysquery/d0d1a22c-4e59-4b4d-9439-92e57e7339ec/2/hilite/ (2d Cir., improper denial of continuance, “Round Table” case); https://www2.ca3.uscourts.gov/opinarch/212259p.pdf (denying fair access to counsel, denial of continuance).
These are very graphic examples of Garland’s inexcusable failure to end the “haste makes waste, anything goes culture” @ EOIR — encouraged by Sessions and Barr but completely unaddressed by Garland! And, I guarantee this is just “the tip of the iceberg.” For every one of these outrageous errors caught by a Circuit, dozens are probably wrongfully denied relief and illegally ordered deported in Garland’s dysfunctional, due process denying, deportation assembly line!
But, beyond that, Garland’s failure to “clean house” at EOIR and hire qualified, expert, professional leaders, judges, and administrators is an ongoing national disgrace — one that is eating away the foundations of our justice system.
Here’s a “real life snapshot” from my “Morning Mailbox:”
I got 15 individual hearing notices in two days for October 2022. Right now the firm has 47 [Individual Hearings] in October for 4 attorneys to handle. A lot of the hearings we never even got notice for, we just randomly have been checking the portal and that’s how we are finding out. Once we do find out we are always about a month or less away from the hearing date. We are going to try to file motions to continue but who really knows what they are going to do about it. Also, I had an [Individual Hearing] with Judge _________ the other day, and he said that Respondents’ attorneys are having a hard time. He said he had a master that he had to schedule for an [Individual Hearing], and the Respondent’s counsel told him if he scheduled her Individual Hearing within the next 6 months she was going to commit suicide. He seemed really concerned for the attorneys. Hopefully this calms down, because the hearings are piling on and quite honestly no one has the manpower to do all of the [Individual Hearings] in especially such short notice.
This is insane, inexcusable, and totally uncalled for! Aimless Docket Reshuffling gone wild!
In what real “court” system is a judge “required” to schedule a hearing that he knows is beyond the ability of the lawyer to handle at the appointed time. That’s an ethical violation! Who is behind this mess? If the “buck stops at the top,” why isn’t Garland under under investigation for “operating a system” that clearly violates judicial and professional ethics?
Q: What happens when comedy 🎭morphs into tragedy☠️?
A: Merrick Garland’s EOIR
🇺🇸Due Process Forever!