In the fine tradition of an earlier “Uncle Joe,” like US Presidents before him, Joe Biden finds it useful to have a deadly “due process free zone” to stash “non-persons” and “break their will to resist!” — PHOTO: Public Realm
From the WashPost Editorial Board:
Opinion by the Editorial Board
November 29, 2022 at 12:50 p.m. ET
President Biden vowed in his 2020 campaign to shutter for-profit migrant detention facilities; he repeated the promise after taking office. It hasn’t happened. To the contrary: The administration, overwhelmed by the surge in unauthorized border crossings, now holds roughly 30,000 migrants in detention, about double the count it inherited from the Trump administration. Roughly 4 in 5 detainees are in private facilities overseen by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
That’s a troubling development given ongoing reports of poor conditions and health care for migrant detainees, and evidence that the government has been less than aggressive in seeking remedies in the past. Officials say they are tightening oversight, yet problems persist. Even though the government has stopped housing migrants in some prisons with poor records, more needs to happen. And Mr. Biden’s original promise to close down for-profit migrant detention should still be the goal.
In fact, the president issued an executive order soon after entering office to close down private prisons used to house other federal inmates — who are by and large U.S. citizens. The rationale for closing them was the same as that for shifting away from private migrant prisons: the principle that incarcerating offenders is properly a government obligation, not an opportunity for profit.
If anything, the logic for ending private prisons for migrants is more compelling. Roughly 70 percent of migrant detainees have no criminal record; they face civil immigration proceedings, awaiting adjudication of their asylum and deportation cases. Many of the rest have been charged with relatively minor offenses, including traffic violations, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University, which gathers immigration enforcement data. Only a modest number have committed serious crimes. In other words, few migrant detainees are dangerous.
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Read the complete editorial at the link.
Unfortunately, it’s no surprise to migrants and their advocates that Biden and Harris said one thing about human rights to get elected and did the opposite once in office. The list of broken promises and betrayals of fundamental legal and human values is long and enraging.
With yet more USCIS fee increases apparently in the offing — more money for less service and diminished quality — perhaps DHS should be required to reprogram money and resources from the “New American Gulag” to USCIS adjudications. Might also cut down on litigation and IG investigations, not to mention detainee deaths.
Like most of the Biden Administration’s self-inflicted immigration/human rights/racial justice failures, this isn’t “rocket science.” A Committee appointed by DHS Secretary Johnson during the Obama-Biden Administration recommended that private immigration detention be ended. That was more than six years ago. See, e.g., https://wp.me/p8eeJm-7j.
Additionally, you don’t have to be a lawyer or a deep thinker to grasp that conditions unsuitable for convicted felons shouldn’t be inflicted on so-called “civil detainees” most of whom are just awaiting justice from a system that consistently and illegally treats them as “less than human!”
🇺🇸Due Process Forever!