

“Fun facts” about the Windjammer American Eagle:
Let’s go sailing
A sailing vacation on the American Eagle is right for just about everyone—couples, friends, families with children, ages 12 and up, and independent travelers. There is an easy congeniality on board that makes for instant relaxation and great camaraderie.
Captain Tyler King has been sailing and working on boats since he was very small spending most summers sailing all around Massachusetts Bay and up beyond Penobscot Bay. He has been in the Windjamming fleet since 2013, working on quite a few of the vessels. The American Eagle sails Down East on four to six day cruises. Sometimes longer adventures of 9 to 14 days to the Canadian Maritimes or tall ship events
are planned. Spectacular scenery, wildlife, lighthouses, and wonderful meals, including an island lobster bake are part of every trip.
Each cruise is a unique adventure: exciting sailing at an affordable price. Most of our guests have sailed with us before or come on the recommendation of a friend.
Board after 6 p.m. on the trip date, settle\ in and sleep aboard that night before we sail the next morning. Pack casual, comfortable clothes, and two pair of rubber soled shoes (no high heels, flip flops, golf shoes, or dress whites, please). Rain gear, a warm sweater or jacket, a sun hat and sunscreen are musts. Bring your camera; you’ll take a lot of pictures.
You are encouraged to follow our course on the chart, take the wheel and sail the schooner. Or, kick back, bask in the sun, and read. As for the sailing—well, that’s just one reason our guests keep returning. But don’t take our word for it—try it for yourself!
A few facts to know before you sail
- The American Eagle accommodates 26 guests and is 92 feet on deck. She’s the only National Historic Landmark vessel to meet international safety standards.
- Single cabins are available upon request.
- All cabins have reading lights, fresh linens, hotand cold running water, 12-volt outlets, and places
to hang your clothes.
- Toilets and a separate fresh hot water shower areconveniently located below deck; you can walk through
from the galley to most cabins.
- We heat the compartments below for comfortearly and late in the season.
- There’s no smoking below deck. Electronics may beused only with headphones.
- There’s convenient air, van and bus servicedirectly to Rockland.
- We offer free parking right on our own wharf.We even have room to plug in your RV!
We take MasterCard, Visa and Discover. Contact us with any questions.
Captain Tyler R. King • Schooner American Eagle P.O. Box 482, Rockland, Maine 04841
1-800-648-4544 info@schooneramericaneagle.com
🇺🇸 Happy Labor Day & Due Process Forever!
Very nice pictures.
Thanks, Nolan!