IMAGE: Public Realm
Well, friends, since “inception” on December 22, 2016:
- Neatly 7 1/2 years elapsed;
- Three different Administrations;
- 5,526 posts (including this one);
- 43 “Pages;”
- 403 subscribers;
- Over 1,000,000 “views” (estimated);
- More than 140,400 “blocks” by my hard-working “spam catcher!”
It’s time for me to take a break from Courtside to “rest, refresh, and refocus” as they say in the “sabbatical business.” After all, I’ve been “retired” since June 30, 2016, going on eight years!
To mark the occasion, here’s a “reprint” of one of my favorites from that first month, December 2016:
Family Detention, Raids, Expediting Cases Fail To Deter Scared Central Americans!
“Immigration advocates have repeatedly criticized the Obama administration for its increased reliance on detention facilities, particularly for Central American families, who they argue should be treated as refugees fleeing violent home countries rather than as priorities for deportation.
They also say that the growing number of apprehended migrants on the border, as reflected in the new Homeland Security figures, indicate that home raids and detentions of families from Central America isn’t working as a deterrent.”
The “enforcement only” approach to forced migration from Central America has been an extraordinarily expensive total failure. But, the misguided attempt to “prioritize” cases of families seeking refuge from violence has been a major contributing factor in creating docket disfunction (“Aimless Docket Reshuffling”) in the United States Immigration Courts.
And, as a result, cases ready for trial that should have been heard as scheduled in Immigration Court have been “orbited” to the end of the docket where it is doubtful they ever will be reached. When political officials, who don’t understand the Immigration Court and are not committed to its due process mission, order the rearrangement of existing dockets without input from the trial judges, lawyers, court administrators, and members of the public who are most affected, only bad things can happen. And, they have!
True today as it was then!
Thanks for reading and engaging, best wishes and, of course, “Due Process Forever!”
Thank you, Paul, for all your great work over the years. You called out the incompetences and injustices in the immigration system. And convinced us that it can be fairer, more just. And that we need to be outraged, and not become indifferent. Even though you’re taking a well-deserved sabbatical, I know you won’t give up. You inspired me when you mentored me 50 years ago and you continue to inspire me today. Thank you so much.

Thank you Paul! It’s always great to get your take on things.