🏴‍☠️SCOFFLAW DOJ: EOIR VIOLATES STIPULATED COURT ORDER ON VIDEO HEARINGS — Garland’s Failed Court System Moves A Step Closer To Contempt, As Federal Judge Tells Dysfunctional Agency 🤡 To Get Its Act Together!

Clown Car
“DOJ/EOIR litigation team arriving at U.S. Courthouse.”
PHOTO CREDIT: Ellin Beltz, 07-04-16, Creative Commons License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/. Creator not responsible for above caption.
“Eyore In Distress”
Once A Symbol of Fairness, Due Process, & Best Practices, Now Gone “Belly Up”

Round Table “Fighting Knightess” and NJ Bar honoree Hon. Sue Roy reports from the Garden State:

Hi Everyone and Happy Friday!


Regarding the lawsuit AILA-NJ v. EOIR—WE WON!!! We received an oral ruling from Judge Vazquez today—EOIR lost; it violated the terms of our stipulated agreement by failing to grant (or even rule on) Webex motions.  We are preparing another proposed order to submit to the Judge early next week.  He stated that if EOIR fails to comply moving forward, he will hold them in contempt.




PS Please feel free to share, publicize, etc.


Hon. Susan G. Roy
Hon. Susan G. Roy
Law Office of Susan G. Roy, LLC
Princeton Junction, NJ
Member, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges

Those seeking more information on this case should contact Judge Roy directly.

The caption “AILA-NJ v. EOIR” basically “says it all” about what it’s like to try to practice before Merrick Garland’s (and Biden’s) dystopian Immigration Courts these days. Such unnecessary trauma; such a waste of resources; such an abuse of public trust! All from a Dem Administration that back in 2020 ran on a platform of returning competency, professionalism, and public service to Government! Most infuriating and disappointing!🤬

Heard on “E-Street:”

  • “EOIR’s handling of this and the DOJ position are honestly ridiculous!”
  • “To quote Judy Collins & Stephen Sondheim:
    ‘Send in the clownsDon’t bother, they’re here.’”
  • “Great work Sue!  But, the problem really is treating a court system like an administrative agency instead of a court system. Problem is baked into the institution.”
  • “Amazing! Great work, and thanks on behalf of all who will benefit from this.”
  • “And, maybe it will help with the Article 1 Court position.”
  • “Great work!”
  • “Thanks for outing Garland and his scofflaw EOIR again. Seems Garland should be held in contempt if EOIR ignores court order again.”
  • “All parties acknowledge the case will be moot when the pandemic declaration ends–which Biden said earlier this week will be sometime in May.”
  • “Thanks to our attorneys, to DHS attorneys, especially Ginnine Fried, and to everyone here who helped!”
  • “If there’s one thing that can bring ICE and the private/pro bono bar together, it’s EOIR’s incompetence and intransigence. My understanding is that their OWN WITNESS tanked EOIR’s case! Is ANYBODY “supervising” EOIR litigation at DOJ these days?”
  • “What if EOIR provided public service and acted rationally without Federal Court orders? Isn’t that something that Dems on the Hill should be ‘all over Garland’ to fix? Now!”

🇺🇸 Thanks to Sue and all involved, and Due Process Forever!

Knightess of the Round Table



🤡☠️SOMETIMES A VIDEO SAYS IT BEST: Trumpism In Motion (It Ain’t “Poetry In Motion”): “Send In The Clowns . . . .

Trump Clown
Donald J. Trump
Famous American Clown
(Officially titled “Ass Clown”)
Artist: Scott Scheidly
Orlando, FL
Reproduced by permission
Eddie Colla

August 24 at 9:29 PM·

The montage I did for opening night of The Republican National Convention was rejected, unfortunately.





“Don’t bother, they’re here!”🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Great work, Eddie (and, of course artist Scott Scheidly for the enduring image of our “Clown Prince” reproduced, with permission, above)! Many congrats! Can’t see why the RNC rejected this masterpiece!

Another four years of Trumpism threatens not only the livelihood of hard-working professional clowns, but also is guaranteed to bring unnecessary suffering, lasting harm, and otherwise avoidable death to many. Perhaps you, your family, or your loved ones will be among the kakistocracy’s victims!

Better get out the vote for Joe, Kamala, and their better, more humane, more unifying program for America!

This November, vote like your life depends on it. Because it does!


