In this article which I found on Immigration Impact, Katie Shepard says:
“The 19 children who will likely be spending the holidays in detention range in age from three to fifteen-years-old. In fact, just last week, the youngest child being held in the Berks detention facility turned three. This little boy fled Honduras with his mother after being targeted by the gangs and threatened with kidnapping and violence. He has spent more than half his life in detention.
Imagine going through such a harrowing journey to then have those you’ve asked to protect you, fail you. I don’t believe this nation can or should allow the most vulnerable among us to be held for prolonged periods, robbed of their access to a fair and just process, and left without protection. We can and must do better.
My wish this holiday season is that we find a way to do right by these families. My wish is that they, like me and many of you, will be able to live safe and happy lives with the people they love.”
I had similar thoughts. During the Christmas Eve service at our church, we offered the following prayer: “Tonight we give thanks for every child among us. Each new birth — regardless of circumstances — reminds us of the preciousness of life, the potential of tomorrow, the promise of God.”
We say these words, but our country is falling short in its humanitarian and human obligation to protect vulnerable children. We treat them as statistics, a “border surge,” an “enforcement problem,” a plague that should be deterred and discouraged. In plain terms, we seek to dehumanize the most vulnerable and needy humans among us. We detain them, expedite their cases, and tell Federal Courts that they can represent themselves in complicated, life determining, legal proceedings that baffle many smart attorneys, judges, and scholars. Where is the mercy, compassion, kindness, humility, and championship of the downtrodden shown by Christ?
As I have previously said in my own op-ed:
“Children are the future of our world. History deals harshly with societies that mistreat and fail to protect children and other vulnerable individuals. Sadly, our great country is betraying its values in its rush to ‘stem the tide.’ It is time to demand an immigrant justice system that lives up to its vision of ‘guaranteeing due process and fairness for all.’ Anything less is a continuing disgrace that will haunt us forever.”
You can read my full op-ed which has been published in LexisNexis Immigration Community by clicking on this link:
Its is also posted on the index and information toolbar of this Blog.