Creator: Ike Hayman
Credit: Ike Hayman
SOURCE: Wikipedia
See and listen to Hillary’s full floor speech here:
And, here’s a report from Hannah Dreier @ NY Times highlighting Hillary’s call for action:

Investigative Reporter
NY Times
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In a speech on the House floor Monday, Representative Hillary Scholten, Democrat of Michigan, called for more to be done.
“Stories of kids dropping out of school, collapsing from exhaustion, and even losing limbs to machinery are what one expects to find in a Charles Dickens or Upton Sinclair novel, but not an account of everyday life in 2023, not in the United States of America,” Ms. Scholten said.
One Hearthside worker, Carolina Yoc, 15, described a grueling schedule of juggling school and eight-hour swing shifts each day, working until midnight packaging Cheerios. She said she was growing sick from the stress and intensity of the factory work and lack of sleep.
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Hillary is rapidly establishing herself as a fierce force for justice and good government. I especially like her commitment to represent all residents of her district, regardless of status, not just those eligible to vote. While every U.S. Representative is supposed to do the same, too many only seek to represent those of their party eligible to vote!
Thanks for speaking out, Hillary, and for pushing for practical solutions to real problems that transcend ideology and political affiliation!
Hillary’s speech brings to mind one of the first pieces I wrote after retiring from the bench in 2016: “Saving Child Migrants While Saving Ourselves.” Here it is: https://immigrationcourtside.com/saving-child-migrants-while-saving-ourselves/.
Key excerpt:
Children are the future of our world. History deals harshly with societies that mistreat and fail to protect children and other vulnerable individuals. Sadly, our great country is betraying its values in its rush to “stem the tide.” It is time to demand an immigrant justice system that lives up to its vision of “guaranteeing due process and fairness for all.” Anything less is a continuing disgrace that will haunt us forever.
The children and families riding the elevator with me are willing to put their hopes and trust in the belief that they will be treated with justice, fairness, and decency by our country. The sole mission and promise of our Immigration Courts is due process for these vulnerable individuals. We are not delivering on that promise.
Tragically, seven years and three Administrations later, that promise of “due process for these vulnerable individuals” remains unfulfilled!
🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!