Immigration Reporter and Contributing Editor
PHOTO: Twitter
TIJUANA—In the weeks after Joe Biden’s inauguration, migrants across the city of Tijuana began to leave the various shelters and apartments where they’d been living in favor of an open-air encampment just north of the city’s center. It’s not a cheerful place; people have little to eat and there’s no running water. But it has a crucial location: It’s right next to the El Chaparral Port of Entry, the nearest legal crossing into the United States. Anticipating that the doors to the U.S. might soon open, they set up at the very foot of the country’s entrance.
In February, Rosemeri, an asylum seeker from El Salvador, says she pitched a tarp next to just two others. By early March, it had grown into a shantytown of more than 1,000 people, and today as many as 2,000 migrants — most of them families with children — brave the elements each day and night. Together, the makeshift community decided on a name for the tent city: La Esperanza, The Hope.
Rosemeri, like most people in the camp, is not a new arrival to Tijuana. She left her home in El Salvador in 2019, fleeing threats against her life from the gang that controls her neighborhood. Her plan was to request asylum in the U.S. But by the time she arrived at the southern border last April, a month into the Covid pandemic, it had been closed indefinitely to asylum seekers by a Trump administration public health order. Since then, she and tens of thousands of others have had no choice but to wait in northern Mexico, shuffling from shelter to shelter for months, hoping for a change in policy.
“We are Salvadorans, Hondurans, Haitians, Cubans, Mexicans, Nicaraguans,” she told me of the residents of La Esperanza. “We are here, all of us, waiting.”
The early months of Biden’s administration have been shadowed by a major increase in immigration, with border agents encountering more than 100,000 people attempting to cross unauthorized in February and more than 170,000 in March, a 15-year high. Critics on the right blame the president’s welcoming rhetoric, saying that after Donald Trump’s hard-line tack toward the border, it’s no wonder migrants are rushing in under supposedly softer leadership. But migrants themselves have a very different view: The issue isn’t Biden extending a hand; it’s that he hasn’t figured out what he wants to do — and has kept the legal pathway closed in the meantime.
Despite promising a new approach, Biden has left the effective asylum ban in place, with few exceptions. Realizing they have no prospect for legal entry into the U.S. anytime soon, many migrants like the ones here, stuck in Tijuana without a safe home to return to, are making the painful decision to try to cross the border outside the proper channels.
“We want to do this the right way,” insists Rosemeri.
The problem for people like her is that there is currently no “right way.” The Biden administration says this is all a work in progress. “We’re in the middle of a global pandemic, and it’s going to take time to rebuild robust asylum processing infrastructure at our borders,” an administration spokesperson told me in an interview last month. The White House did not respond to specific questions for this story.
Republicans in Washington have been saying Biden is too lenient, but people on the ground in Mexico suggest the root of the recent rise in unauthorized border crossings is actually the president’s prolonged maintenance of the most restrictive of his predecessor’s policies: the near-complete cutting off of asylum, a form of legal immigration.
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Read Jack’s much longer full article at the link. It’s one of the few accurate, insightful pieces of reporting I’ve seen on the “overhyped yet generally mis-understood” human catastrophe at continuing to unfold at our southern border.
The problem starts, but by no means ends, with Judge Garland’s mind-boggling failure to grasp and take steps to end the deadly clown show @ EOIR! You can’t re-establish the rule of law and enforce the Constitution with inept holdover bureaucrats and unqualified Trump-Miller appellate judges in charge of the critical “retail level” of the American justice system!
Get some real, expert judges, competent judicial administrators, and fearless legal leadership, dedicated to human rights, fundamental fairness, and due process for all, into key positions @ EOIR before this system gets any further out of control, creates additional disorder throughout our legal system, and destroys more human lives!
The folks who can start fixing this are out there. Some of them (sitting Immigration Judges like Judge Dana Leigh Marks, Judge Amiena Khan, Judge Noel Brennan, Judge, Janette Allen, Judge Dorothy Harbeck, Judge Mimi Tsankov, and others) are even on the payroll outside the DC area. Many others in the private sector should already have been vetted and on the job solving problems, at least on a temporary basis!
(Let’s start, but not end, “Project Restore Due Process & Asylum Integrity,” with, say, Dean Kevin Johnson, Associate Dean Jaya Ramji-Nogales, Professor Karen Musalo, Michelle Mendez, Professor Ingrid Eagly, Marielena Hincappie, Lauren Wyatt, Professor Phil Schrag, Professor Andy Schoenholtz, Heidi Altman, Professor Debbie Anker, Judge (Ret.) Ilyce Shugall, Judge (Ret.) Rebecca Jamil, Professor Michele Pistone, Claudia Valenzuela, Claudia Cubas, Professor Jill Family, Professor Raquel Aldana, Professor Mary Holper, Liz Gibson, Greg Chen, Professor Peter Moskowitz, Laura Lynch, Dree Collopy, Professor David Baluarte, Professor Maureen Sweeney, Professor Lenni Benson, Eleanor Acer, Adina Appelbaum, Professor Elora Mukherjee, Professor Erin Barbato, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, Jason “The Asylumist” Dzubow, Professor Alberto Benitez, Professor Paulina Vera, Professor Cori Alonso Yoder, Professor Kari Hong, Professor Denise Gilman, Tess Hellgren, Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg, Professor Laurie Ball Cooper, Associate Dean Jayesh Rashod, Ben Winograd, Associate Dean David Baluarte, and work from there! All of them are head, shoulders, knees, and toes above the current EOIR senior management and Appellate Judges on the BIA.)
Recently, I made these points in speaking to a group of retired lawyers who had no prior background in immigration law. At the end, one of them said: “The fix you described doesn’t sound that difficult. Why hasn’t it happened?” BINGO!
It’s not rocket science! But apparently “above the pay grade” for “Team Biden!” That’s a shame for American justice, any international leadership capability we might still have on this issue, and, most of all, for the vulnerable human beings that Biden, Mayorkas, and Garland have left “twisting in the wind.”

“Twisted by the Wind”
By Ron Strathdee
I can assure the Biden folks that continuing the Trump/Miller policies and leaving their “plants and toadies” in place won’t win a single GOP vote — on anything! Truth, facts, the law, and human decency play no role in today’s GOP. You could shoot everyone dead at the border (as opposed to sending them back to Mexico and the Northern Triangle to die) and magamorons like Cruz, Hawley, and Cotton will still claim that you have an “open borders policy.”
However, your lack of positive action on asylum and refugee issues will continue to anger and betray your own supporters and mobilize them to oppose your “tone-deaf” and ineffectual policies, in court, in the media, and in politics. Doesn’t sound like a smart move to me!
Here’s the real irony. Liberal House Dems have invested in a DOA legislative effort (already “shot down” by Speaker Pelosi) to expand the Supremes. Meanwhile, over at the DOJ, Judge Garland is squandering his chance to completely rebuild and refocus the nearly 600 strong (now totally dysfunctional) Immigration Judiciary into something really special (in a good, rather than an evil, way).
That happens to be the most powerful and readily achievable way of creating a progressive, due process oriented, intellectually dominant, expert “model judiciary” that will remake the “retail level” of American justice, save human lives, advance correct practical, sensible applications of the law and the Constitution that will actually save lives, teach “best practices,” promote racial justice, and change the face of American justice for the better.
Better judges for a better America! It starts with the foundational “retail level” of our justice system — the Immigration Courts. Unlike packing the Supremes, it’s realistically achievable with courageous focused leadership (not the current failed group and indifferent leadership from Judge Garland.)
“Personnel is policy” — big time! Too bad for all of us that Judge Garland doesn’t seem to “get it.”
In that, his “grasp of the obvious” seems to be several levels below that of Trump, Miller, the Federalist Society, the Heritage Foundation, and Mitch McConnell. Think what you might, that gang has run circles around Dem politicos for years. Jeff “Gonzo Apocalypto” Sessions and Billy Barr “got” the importance of expanding the BIA and the Immigration Judiciary and “packing” them with many unqualified anti-asylum restrictionists who would do their bidding in undermining and destroying American justice and “Dred Scottifying” the “other,” particularly those of color, with a solid dose of mind-numbing misogyny thrown in.
To date, (with a few exceptions, like removing former Director James McHenry) Garland has failed to remove or transfer these unqualified jurists (and incompetent administrators) and start bringing in better ones, even though he has the available tools to have commenced by now. Indeed, several Miller cronies are still wandering around the Falls Church Tower in key positions, while other members of the Trump Administration’s “Asylum Denial Club” continue to crank out nativist injustice at the BIA. A number are notorious for their overtly hostile attitudes toward female asylum seekers of color and their attorneys. Yet, asylum seekers and their lawyers continue to suffer unjust and unprofessional treatment at EOIR while their abusers continue unabated in Garland’s name!
Aggressively “removing the deadwood” also sends strong messages throughout the system that the “dehumanize, deny, and deport culture” ingrained and actively encouraged at EOIR over the past four year is over!
Meanwhile, over at the broken SG’s Office, Garland is getting ready to defend one of the stupidest, most legally inane, and insanely counterproductive from a policy standpoint positions in recent memory (and that’s saying something given the performance of the Trump SG) in Sanchez v. Mayorkas . The Garland DOJ is actually committing “unforced error” by defending a clearly wrong interpretation of the TPS statute that will unnecessarily screw long-time law-abiding TPS holders, many of them spouses of U.S. citizens, who could otherwise qualify for legal immigration under current law. Shafting the VERY INDIVIDUALS the Biden Administration pledged to help and keeping them in “eternal legal limbo” while unnecessarily outraging their lawyers and potential allies. What sense does that make? If “Team Garland” can’t recognize and pick the “low hanging fruit” in the battle to restore legality and sanity to our immigration system, it’s going to be a long four years.
Professor David Martin, one of the top minds in American law, in any field, and a “vet” of past Dem Administrations, laid out the possible solutions in a crystal clear manner in Just Security. But, apparently when you’re caught up in running “Amateur Night at the Bijou” you can’t be bothered to listen to the experts who have “been there before” and learned from their experiences!

PHOTO: Thomas Hawk
Creative Commons
This could be our “last clear chance” to save American democracy! Right now, it’s going to waste! That’s something that should outrage and motivate all of us who believe that “due process for all persons” means exactly what it says!

Due Process Forever!