Etan Thomas played in the NBA from 2000 through 2011. He is a published poet, activist and motivational speaker

NBA Head Coach
San Antonio Spurs, 1996 ——
Etan Thomas in The Guardian:
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In 2017, Popovich spoke at length at Spurs media day about systemic racism and politics, saying the country under Trump had become “an embarrassment to the world”: “Obviously, race is the elephant in the room and we all understand that. Unless it is talked about constantly, it’s not going to get better. Why do we have to talk about that?’ Well, because it’s uncomfortable. There has to be an uncomfortable element in the discourse for anything to change.
“The disgusting tenure and tone and all the comments … have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic. I live in a country where half the people ignored that to elect someone.”
Asked to reflect on the life of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and race relations in the country, part of Popovich’s answer focused on the country’s leadership.
“It seems like a lot of roll back in that regard, especially as we look at the race situation in our country. Everybody wants to forget about it but it should be there, front and center, constantly,” Popovich said.
“Race is still the unanswered dilemma that everyone continues to ignore. Dr. King did not ignore it, and it’s a big fear now that we have a group in power that is very willing to ignore it. It’s not just with their words, but their actions prove it, and that is scary.”
Now. Coach Popovich wasn’t the first and definitely won’t be the last in sports to verbally spank the former US president or call out the blatant and the prevailing racism and bigotry that is currently running rampant not only throughout the Republican Party but America as a whole, yet he’s certainly one of the most important and unique for a number of reasons:
1) Coach Popovich is a graduate of the Air Force Academy and works in a military town.
2) The aforementioned standard that he and the Spurs organization has set would appear to be in direct opposition to his public chastisement of the America.
3) Coach Popovich was making these statements in the ultra-red state of Texas, arguably the most conservative of the conservative states based on the state legislature and the congressional delegation, one that has voted Republican in 10 straight presidential elections and saw 52.6% of voters punch for Trump.
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Coach Popovich said that it’s up to white people to call out racism no matter what the consequences and didn’t even really receive any backlash for his comments, not even in an ultra-conservative place like Texas. And that’s what makes him unique and special. Yes, Popovich’s coaching milestone is historic and worthy of celebration, but his activism off the court will endure longer as the standard for all white people who truly want to be allies in this fight against racism and white supremacy.
Read the full article at the link.
Many congrats to Coach Popovich on his coaching milestone! He did it all with one team, the San Antonio Spurs, making him the longest-tenured Head Coach not only in the NBA but in contemporary American sports!
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