Law Professors & Civil Rights Activists Oppose Sessions Nomination For AG — Reports From The Washington Post & NY Times

I’m not aware that any Senator of either party has expressed an inclination to vote against Senator Sessions’s confirmation.




Trump Administration Will Have Huge Influence on Federal Courts — Particularly the U.S. Immigration Court

According to this article from today’s Washington Post, the incoming Trump Administration is preparing to fill more than 100 lifetime Federal Judicial appointments in addition to an existing vacancy on the Supreme Court.  That’s almost twice the number of vacancies that were available to the incoming Obama Administration eight years ago.  The article points out that since these appointments require Senate confirmation, Democrats might have some bargaining power.  But, with Republicans in the majority, that’s likely to be quite limited.

However, there might be an even bigger opportunity available for the incoming Administration —  reshaping the U.S. Immigration Court System for many years to come.  Plagued by a self-created ponderously glacial selection and hiring process, and a badly outdated and ineffective  court structure and administration, the Obama Administration is on track to leave nearly 100 out of the just under 400 authorized U.S. Immigration positions “on the table.”  Additionally, there currently are two vacancies on the critically important Immigration Appeals Court (known as the “Board of Immigration Appeals”), which is effectively the “Supreme Court” of immigration law, with authority to decide tens of thousands of appeals annually and to set binding precedents for our nation’s more than 50 U.S. Immigration Courts.  Beyond that, a significant number of the most experienced Immigration Judges are “baby boomers” who are currently eligible to retire or will become eligible shortly.  For most of the Obama Administration, Immigration Judge hiring has barely exceeded the retirement replacement rate.

The bulk of the currently unfilled vacancies were relatively recently authorized by a bipartisan Congressional effort.  But, not so recently that they could not have been filled by a management process that treated them as what they are — probably the most important large group of senior career Civil Service positions in Government and certainly within the U.S. Department of Justice, the repository for the Immigration Courts.  Beyond helping to authorize the additional positions, however, Congressional Democrats have paid scant attention to the public unraveling of our Immigration Court system during the past eight years.

With over 500,000 pending cases, the Immigration Court System actually has a larger caseload that the entire U.S. District Court System — Civil and Criminal Dockets — with only about 60% of the authorized number of judges.  Moreover, unlike U.S. District Court Judges, who are appointed by the President for life with Senate confirmation required, U.S. Immigration Judges are civil servants appointed by the Attorney General, and they serve at his or her pleasure.  Consequently, Democrats cannot point the collective finger at Republicans for the high vacancy rate and the dismal state of justice in our largely dysfunctional Immigration Court System.  Republicans generally have supported more resources for the overburdened Immigration Courts, and the hiring process has been within the sole control of the Obama Administration’s Department of Justice.

Assuming confirmation, new Attorney General Jeff Sessions potentially could select approximately 25% of the Immigration Judiciary, with more down the road.  No Senate confirmation is required, and the new Attorney General would not be bound to follow the current hiring practices.

Because Due Process — the Immigration Courts’ one and only mission — should be a nonpartisan, nonpolitical issue, I hope that Attorney General Sessions will establish an efficient, strictly merit based hiring system that will be transparent and provide opportunity for meaningful input and participation from all segments of the immigration community, including  practitioners, clinicians, and non-governmental organizations, as well as government entities involved in the administration of our immigration laws.  For example, the board-based merit selection processes used for U.S. Magistrate Judges and U.S. Bankruptcy Judges have won widespread acclaim for putting professional qualifications and demonstrated excellence before partisanship.

But, if that doesn’t happen, and Democrats don’t like the results, they will have only themselves to blame for failing to pay attention and make the needed administrative and structural improvements to our critically important Immigration Court System over the past eight years.







Washington Post Profile Describes AG Designate Jeff Sessions’s Mixed History on Civil Rights

If confirmed as AG (and I saw nothing in this article to suggest that he won’t be) Senator Sessions would be in charge of the United States Immigration Court System (including the Appellate Court, a/k/a the Board of Immigration Appeals), one of the largest, if not the largest — more pending cases than the entire U.S. District Court System — and most important Federal Court Systems.




George Will Blasts Jeff Sessions for His Position on Civil Forfeiture.

In this op-ed, conservative pundit George Will rips AG Designate Senator Jeff Sessions for his views on civil forfeiture proceedings.   Interestingly, immigration, on which Senator Sessions also has expressed strong opinions, like civil forfeiture is a nominally civil proceeding with quasi-criminal features and sanctions which in many cases exceed those which could be imposed in a criminal prosecution.

Here’s the key portion of Will’s broadside at Sessions:

“There might somewhere be a second prominent American who endorses today’s civil forfeiture practices, but one such person is “very unhappy” with criticisms of it. At a 2015 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on forfeiture abuses, one senator said “taking and seizing and forfeiting, through a government judicial process, illegal gains from criminal enterprises is not wrong,” and neither is law enforcement enriching itself from this. In the manner of the man for whom he soon will work, this senator asserted an unverifiable number: “95 percent” of forfeitures involve people who have “done nothing in their lives but sell dope.” This senator said it should not be more difficult for “government to take money from a drug dealer than it is for a businessperson to defend themselves in a lawsuit.” In seizing property suspected of involvement in a crime, government “should not have a burden of proof higher than in a normal civil case.”

IJ’s Robert Everett Johnson notes that this senator missed a few salient points: In civil forfeiture there usually is no proper “judicial process.” There is no way of knowing how many forfeitures involve criminals because the government takes property without even charging anyone with a crime. The government’s vast prosecutorial resources are one reason it properly bears the burden of proving criminal culpability “beyond a reasonable doubt.” A sued businessperson does not have assets taken until he or she has lost in a trial, whereas civil forfeiture takes property without a trial and the property owner must wage a protracted, complex and expensive fight to get it returned. The Senate Judiciary Committee might want to discuss all this when considering the nominee to be the next attorney general, Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions.”

Merry Christmas (to some) and Happy Holidays (to all).

