Washington Post
Photo: Scott Bradley, Tedx Baltimore, Creative Commons License
Alexandra Petri @ WashPost:
“Bill Barr’s Christmas Resignation” is one of the worst pieces of holiday content I have ever consumed! A letdown on every level. First, the title is not a pun. Second, the ending comes out of nowhere.
This story of a deceptively affable-seeming attorney general and how he decides to leave the Trump administration for good to spend the holidays with his family at first seems like it’s going to be standard Christmas fare. A 70-year-old man overly devoted to his occupation who feels no guilt about any of his past deeds and seems deficient in sympathy for his fellow man — what could possibly be a more classic Christmas movie setup? That is why what followed was so disappointing and jarring.
We open with Bill in his office, merrily redacting away at some document that probably should not have been redacted. He is visited by a malicious-looking elf who has messages for him. (Correction: I totally misread what was going on; this was actually senior presidential adviser Jared Kushner. I regret the error.)
We see a picture on Bill’s desk of his boss, Donald Trump, and he keeps going on and on about how excited he is to enact Donald Trump’s agenda. We also learn about all the executions he has scheduled after reinstating the death penalty for federal crimes. This seems incredibly brutal and dark but does establish a character who is going to grow a lot and learn he needs to change his ways.
He leaves the office and drives home past several signs expressing negative sentiments about Donald Trump. He passes Lafayette Square and remembers giving the go-ahead to fire pepper balls at peaceful protesters. He smiles his affable smile. Lights reflect off the window of his secure vehicle. A holiday song plays.
[Alexandra Petri: The 100 worst Christmas songs, ranked]
At this point you, the viewer, glance at your watch. This has been a lot of setup, you think. But it’s called “Bill Barr’s Christmas Resignation”! It ends with him leaving his job as the head of the Justice Department to be with his family. He wouldn’t just do that randomly, would he? There’s got to be an inciting incident of some kind. Perhaps when the clock strikes midnight he will be switched with his secret twin and forced to replicate the White House in fondant for a baking contest. Maybe he will get a call from the head of what claims to be a little-known European country — a perfect call, asking him to spend his holiday season there.
He arrives home and flicks on the TV, where he can see several sinister cronies of Donald Trump (whom he has personally allowed to avoid the consequences of their actions) roaming freely around the city inciting mobs of Proud Boys and even urging their followers to call for martial law. And then he goes to bed and — sleeps peacefully, on a MyPillow.
At this point a commercial for MyPillow came on — the whole thing was sponsored by MyPillow — and I quickly checked to make sure I was watching the right thing, because we were halfway through “Bill Barr’s Christmas Resignation” and he was still going about his life like he didn’t think he’d done anything wrong or needed to change his ways at all. He hadn’t even been assigned to a project he didn’t want to work on with a co-worker who loved Christmas a little too much.
After the commercial, we see Bill is having a dream. It seemed as though this would be when things turned around. In the dream, he walks through a populous city. He sees Want and Ignorance and gives them a thumbs-up. He sees his own tombstone with “Servant of Donald Trump” on it and smiles cheerily at it. He sees a little girl lighting match after match to keep herself warm and — adds the city to his list of Anarchist Jurisdictions.
. . . .
Read the rest Alexandra’s “Christmas Carol” at the link.
And, what about all the traumatized kids, abused refugee women, and killed or suffering asylum seekers? What’s their “holiday” going to be like as the result of the immoral and often illegal actions one of the most most egregious “faux Christians” in recent history?
Good riddance!
Due Process Forever!