Opinion Columnist
Washington Post
Catherine Rampell @ WashPost:
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Many immigration issues are divisive. Protecting dreamers is not. Virtually every poll conducted on the subject finds that Americans of all political persuasions favor granting dreamers some form of permanent legal status, including a path to citizenship. Even Trumpers are on board, surveys show. Faith groups, law enforcement officials, employers, national security experts and other major constituencies besides typical bleeding-heart immigration advocates have urged Congress repeatedly to grant these young immigrants greater legal certainty.
Unfortunately — as is the case on so many issues — Congress has abdicated its responsibility to act. Instead, the executive branch has been tasked with devising temporary workarounds.
In 2012, the Obama administration announced a sort of Band-Aid solution, known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA offers some of these young immigrants access to (temporary) work permits and protections from deportation, which must be frequently renewed. Eligibility extends only to those who meet certain age and educational requirements, have lived here continuously since 2007 and pose no threat to public safety, among other conditions.
This program was generally expected to be a stopgap while Congress worked on broader immigration reforms or at least a pathway to citizenship for dreamers; so far, neither has materialized.
[As DACA immigrant program turns 10, legal challenges persist]
In the decade since it was introduced, DACA has weathered multiple legal challenges — including from a coalition of red states led by Texas, as well as attempted repeal by President Donald Trump. For now, the program remains mostly intact while the red-state challenge wends its way through the courts. But DACA’s days look numbered.
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This is hardly the only immigration issue on which Republican politicians have complained about executive overreach yet been reluctant to exercise their own powers. Other vulnerable, sympathetic populations of immigrants — such as the Afghan allies who were temporarily “paroled” into the United States — are stuck in their own legal limbo unless and until Congress acts.
But it’s always easier for politicians to grandstand over everyone else’s immigration policy choices than to produce solutions of their own.
Read Catherine’s complete article at the link.
How stupid and cruel is the GOP’s assault on Dreamers? It’s not like most “Dreamers” are going anywhere. After all, there are already about 2 million individuals (not to mention family members, employers, etc.) backed up on Garland’s dysfunctional Immigration Courts. And, under Garland’s misguided leadership, more judges are actually building more backlog!
But, without DACA’s work authorization, those not eligible for other forms of relief (e.g., asylum, cancellation of removal) will lose their authorization to work. Since many are in critical or essential jobs with employers who can’t afford to be out of compliance with Federal laws, it’s reasonable to assume that Dreamers would lose those jobs. That means that many will have to take lesser jobs in the substantial “underground economy” operating in the U.S., largely as a result of the GOP’s obstinance on sensible immigration policy.
If that appears stupid, it’s because it is! But, what else is new with the GOP’s cruel, xenophobic, and unrealistic approach to immigration.
It’s remarkable that out of touch righty judges on the 5th Circuit, whose jobs and existence actually depend on the systemic non-prosecution of most Federal offenses, would actually have the gall to issue their off the wall ruling dumping on Dreamers! In reality, by necessity, only a small number of violations of Federal statutes are prosecuted. See. e,g., https://prisonprofessors.com/federal-crimes-to-prosecute-or-not/.
How vigorously did the Trump Administration pursue violations of environmental laws, civil rights laws, tax laws, ethics laws, or white collar crime laws, etc? Not very! Indeed, to give one egregious example, under Sessions and Barr, the policy was to turn a “blind eye” to serious Constitutional violations by law enforcement! See, e.g., https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2021/05/03/the-feds-are-investigating-local-police-departments-again-heres-what-to-expect
The Fifth Circuit’s “off the wall” apparent theory that Federal officials lack discretion to redirect prosecution resources toward the most serious offenders is pure “Federalist Society political poppycock!” It’s particularly out of bounds to critique the Feds for taking steps to insure that such discretion is exercised uniformly and reasonably, rather than arbitrarily and capriciously.
I had lots of experience with “PD” programs over four decades in Federal service. The DACA program is far and away the premier “model” program for the effective and rational exercise of PD.
The major impediment to the rational immigration law and policy adjustments America needs is today’s nativist-driven GOP. Unless and until enough American voters wise up and throw the GOP out at all levels, America will not achieve it’s full potential!
🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!