GREAT NEWS FOR DUE PROCESS! — With A Boost From Roundtable Of Former Immigration Judges Member Judge John Gossart, CASA, & CAIR Coalition, Fairfax Co. Virginia Enacts Universal Representation!

Judge (Ret.) John F. Gossart, Jr.

Claudia Cubas, Litigation Director, CAIR Coalition

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, May 10, 2019
Diana Castaneda,, 240-515-5561
Fairfax County Now First Virginia Jurisdiction to Fund Legal Representation
for Immigrants in Need
Fairfax, VA – CASA and CAIR Coalition are pleased to announce that the Fairfax County Board of
Supervisors voted to fund a $200k “Universal Representation” pilot program, which will provide legal
representation to immigrants living in Fairfax County who are facing deportation proceedings and in need
of counsel—including DACA recipients and TPS holders.
“With the passage of Universal Representation, CASA and our community are proud that Fairfax County
has taken a step forward in terms of equity by ensuring that immigrants are treated with dignity by
providing legal representation. We will continue advancing immigrant rights as one community,” said
Luis Aguilar CASA Virginia Director.
“As our communities continue to weather the capricious changes in immigration law and the threat of deportation hangs over so many of our neighbors, Fairfax County has taken a simple yet effective stance: provide Fairfax families with counsel when detained and facing deportation,” said Kelly White CAIR Program Director – Detained Adult Program.
The decision of Fairfax County is invaluable for the more than 175 Fairfax families facing immigration proceedings each year.
immigrant and mixed-status families from the threat of deportation. ###

Universal Representation protects due process by allowing immigrants to access their rights under U.S.
“My husband and I work full-time to be able to give our family a place to live. We have two children
with DACA. If one of us is detained by ICE I know for sure we won’t have the resources to afford a
lawyer. This program will allow us to have legal representation,” said Carmen Rios Fairfax Co. Resident.
CASA especially appreciates and recognizes Supervisors Jeff McKay and John Foust’s exceptional
leadership in helping to protect immigrant and mixed-status families.

With almost 100,000 members across the states of Maryland, Virginia, and South Central Pennsylvania, CASA is the largest member-based Latino and immigrant organization in the mid-Atlantic region. CASA organizes with and litigates on behalf of low-wage immigrants. Visit us at and follow us on Twitter at @CASAforall


Never has representation been more critical. With EOIR joining the Trump Administration’s all out assault on migrants and Due Process, no individual should face these biased and politicized “courts” without legal representation committed to fight for justice to the “real” courts and to expose and document the parody of justice in today’s Immigration “Courts” under the unethical political leadership of EOIR.

Many thanks to Roundtable Member Judge John Gossart for passing this along.

Join the New Due Process Army. Fight the EOIR travesty!





Testimony for Montgomery County Council Hearing

May 1, 2018

Special Appropriation

Judge Paul W. Schmidt


Good evening, Council President, Vice Council President, Council Members,


For 21 years, I served as an Appellate Judge on the Board of Immigration Appeals, and a U.S. Immigration Judge at the Arlington Immigration Court.  I was the Chair of the Appeals Board for six years. Though I am since retired, I follow with great interest and concern the immigration court’s troubling trajectory.

There is a real crisis in the immigration system today: the attack on Due Process in our U.S. Immigration Courts.  This crisis has been many administrations in the making.  However, the current administration has done more damage to Due Process more quickly than any prior administration.  Its most recent insistence on quotas for immigration judges, the attempted dissolution of the Legal Orientation Program, combined with increased immigration enforcement, and inhumane detention policies, has eradicated any semblance of Due Process.

I applaud the Council for recognizing the need to ensure Due Process for its immigrant residents facing removal by funding deportation defense.  I further urge you to make that deportation defense universalby providing legal representation to all Montgomery County residents facing removal regardless of any previous interactions with the criminal justice system

All immigrants facing removal are entitled to Due Process.  No person should be denied access to justice.  The only way to ensure that an immigrant has Due Process in the current immigration system is by providing competent legal representation.  Without an attorney, there is simply no other way an immigrant can navigate the extremely complex legal immigration system.

When an immigrant appears without an attorney, the Immigration Judge must rely on the attorney for the government; the person who is fighting to remove the immigrant from this country, to present the immigrant’s case.  Despite a judge’s best efforts, it is simply not possible to ensure that the immigrant has had all of the relevant facts about his or her case presented and that all legal defenses to removal have been explored, explained, and understood.  While some judges might like to believe that they are capable of ensuring that those appearing before them without counsel have the same chance of relief as those appearing with counsel, I know from my experience that this is simply not possible. I also know that my courtroom ran more efficiently when all parties were represented; frivolous arguments decreased, continuances decreased, and the number of appeals decreased as well. Simply put, a good judge knows that having competent counsel representing both parties yields a more efficient and just outcome.

Allow me to assure this council that, though representation by an attorney dramatically enhances any immigrant’s chance of success in immigration court, it by no means guarantees success.  The immigration laws are sometimes rigid, by design. Relief is only available in those cases where the law explicitly permits it.

Moreover, serious criminal convictions often will exclude, by operation of law, even the most sympathetic petitioner from relief. In some instances, the presence of the conviction precludes relief altogether, in other cases, the judge must balance the equities, and for immigrants who have committed serious crimes, the equities usually weigh in favor of removal. 

However, I maintain that all immigrants should have access to counsel, regardless of their history with the criminal justice system, because the only way an immigration judge can make a just, informed decision is if the immigrant facing removal has Due Process.  And Due Process, particularly now, can only be guaranteed through the competent representation of an attorney.

I urge this council to leave to the immigration judges, a body expert in the immigration law, the task of determining what consequences a criminal conviction should have upon an immigrant’s ability to remain in the United States.  Do not deny Due Process to any member of your community. Do not deny access to justice to immigrants facing removal, simply because of their criminal history.  In doing so, you put the deserving and the underserving in the same category and risk denying relief to vulnerable, deserving members of your community.

The erstwhile vision of the Immigration Court, the vision which I helped develop in the late 1990s was for the court to “be the world’s best administrative tribunal[s] guaranteeing fairness and due process for all.”  Instead, the Department of Justice’s ever-changing priorities and morbid fascination with increased detention as a means of deterrence have turned the Immigration Court system into a tool of enforcement.

I urge this council to vote in favor of the special appropriation and thank you for the opportunity to testify today.



My friend and pro bono superstar Claudia Cubas, Litigation Director of the Capital Area Immigrants Rights (“CAIR”) Coalition was the “lead witness”  favoring the proposal. It was “democracy in action” as folks with strong views both ways on the issue appeared to express their views to their elected representatives. As it should be!













From LexisNexis Immigration Community online:

“Lawsuit Challenges Immigration Judges Who Refuse to Hold Bond Hearings: Palacios v. Sessions

AIC, Jan. 17, 2018

“The government cannot lock people up without giving them access to prompt bond hearings and an opportunity to show that they should be released for the months or years that it takes to adjudicate their removal cases. This lawsuit challenges the actions of immigration judges in Charlotte, North Carolina who have done just that: refused to conduct bond hearings for people who properly file bond motions with the Charlotte Immigration Court.  The case was filed as a class action in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina by the American Immigration Council, the CAIR Coalition, and Cauley Forsythe Law Group.”


Brief in Support of Motion for Class Certification”

Go on over to LexisNexis Immigration Community at the link for the complete story.
Check out paragraph 6 of the Complaint which contrasts the conduct of Judge Harris, who holds bond hearing in accordance with the law and established procedures, and the alleged conduct of his judicial colleagues in Charlotte.
Not surprising to me! Judge Harris was my colleague for years at the U.S. Immigration Court in Arlington Virginia where he had a reputation for scrupulously following the law and providing full due process to all who came before him. Just like a U.S. Immigration Judge is supposed to do.
On the other hand, prior to Judge Harris’s arrival, the Charlotte Immigration Court had a reputation among the private bar, commentators, and the press as a place where due process was often given short shrift, particularly in asylum cases.
Of course, these are merely allegations at this time. We’ll see what happens as the case progresses in Federal District Court.
While Sessions, McHenry, and the “Falls Church Crew” are screwing around with imaginary “goals and timetables’ — untethered to reality in a system with a 660,000 backlog and no real plan for resolving it — these are the real due process problems that are festering in the U.S. Immigration Courts and denying individuals their legal right to due process on a regular basis. Where’s the concern from “on high” with a court system that’s failing in its mission to provide due process to individuals under our Constitution? Obviously, the problem starts with a “Scofflaw Attorney General” who cares more about expediting removals and a White Nationalist immigration enforcement agenda than he does about the Constitution, Due Process, and the integrity of the U.S. Immigration Court system.
We need an independent Article I U.S. Immigration Court now!