This just in from Professor Alberto Benitez @ the GW Law Immigration Clinic:
The GW Law Immigration Clinic presents our fundraiser, Coats for a Cause: Helping Stranded Migrants Stay Warm. Please see the attached flyer.Through October 28 we will be collecting all lightly used and new winter clothing to donate to migrants who were recently sent to DC via buses. A box to collect donations is available in the lobby of our building at 650 20th Street, NW. Can’t make it in person? You can donate $$$ to Prof. Vera’s PayPal at @paulinavera1. All monetary donations will be used to purchase items off an Amazon Wishlist put together by local non-profits for the immediate needs of these migrants.Please direct all comments, questions, or concerns to Spoorthi Datla, spoorthidatla@law.gwu.edu or Jasmine Martinez, jvmartinez@law.gwu.edu.
Alberto Manuel Benitez
Professor of Clinical Law
Director, Immigration Clinic
The George Washington University Law School
650 20th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052
(202) 994-7463
(202) 994-4946 fax

With colder weather arriving, this is a great opportunity to welcome and help the newest members of our community! Thanks to Professors Benitez and Vera and all the students at the GW Law Immigration Clinic for putting this effort together!
🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!