Senior Attorney
Tahirih Justice Center
Baltimore, MD
PHOTO: Tahirih
Maria Daniela Prieshof writes:
A brighter future is now ahead for our client, “Elise”, who was just granted T visa status! At 16 years old, Elise was trafficked into the U.S. by her father and adult brother, who forced her to work two jobs in the restaurant industry in Maryland, almost 60 hours a week at below $6/hour. Whenever she had time to be at home, her brother forced her to do all the household chores, locked her up at home, monitored all her movements, and assaulted her multiple times. Her brother and father controlled all her earnings and Elise would go hungry most days. With the help of a coworker, Elise escaped to safety and in 2022 was referred to Tahirih Justice Center for free legal and social services. My amazing social services colleague, Feamma Stephens, advocated for Elise to access urgent services to combat her homelessness and receive mental health care.
This week, we all celebrated with Elise when we received news that she’d been finally granted T visa status! Elise is delighted and eager to apply for scholarships so she can afford to go to college and achieve her dreams.
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Thanks, MDP, for reminding us that notwithstanding the distortions being foist upon the public about the “border security threat” — basically, thousands of individuals lining up in an orderly manner and waiting patiently, for days or hours, often in freezing conditions, to be processed and screened by the USG — the system can work to save lives, particularly with top-level representation. If there are “terrorists” seeking entry into the U.S. it’s highly unlikely that they are standing in those lines to present themselves to law enforcement officials or that they are going through the complicated and difficult process for getting T visas.
Seems like effective representation, counseling, and screening for those arriving at the border would be a good starting point for investing in an orderly border. See, e.g., our recent proposal for “Judges Without Borders:” https://immigrationcourtside.com/2023/12/13/%EF%B8%8F
But, apparently it isn’t as politically useful and profitable (for some) as walls, detention, deportations, and deprivations of legal rights. And, human rights don’t seem to interest the media as much as being able to trumpet “border crises” and photo ops of Texas Governor Greg Abbott holding up a signed copy of his latest nativist deportation gimmick.
Due Process Forever!