Senior Policy Counsel
Laura Lynch of AILA reports:
Hi all-
DOJ EOIR announced today that it hired 3 new appellate IJs- https://www.justice.gov/eoir/page/file/1272731/download.
- Philip Montante- Batavia NY
- TRAC Analysis – FY2014-2019 – Judge Montante denied 96.3% asylum cases and granted (including conditional grants) 3.7%.
- Kevin Riley – Los Angeles – N. Los Angeles St. Immigration Court
- TRAC Analysis – FY2014- 2019 – Judge Riley denied 88.1% asylum cases and granted (including conditional grants) 11.9%
- Aaron R. Petty, Former OIL, National Security Counsel. Previously worked on Operation Janus cases.
Laura A. Lynch, Esq.
Senior Policy Counsel
The trashing of Due Process and fundamental fairness, as well as abuse of the merit selection system continues unabated under the Trump regime.
How long will this parody of justice continue? How many lives will be unnecessarily lost?
Due Process Forever! Star Chambers, Never!