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Public Realm
By Paul Wickham Schmidt
Courtside Exclusive
Nov. 7, 2020. Vice President and soon to be President Elect Joe Biden’s 33-year long quest for the U.S. Presidency will come to fruition on January 20, 2021. His running mate and soon to be Vice President Elect Senator Kamala Harris will become the first woman and the first African American to hold the number two job.
Although the results of the Presidential contest were long in coming, they basically fulfilled pre-election predictions. Harris-Biden are on pace to win a clear majority of the popular vote by over four million votes, in the process compiling the highest vote total in U.S. election history.
Unlike 2016, this time the popular vote translates into an insurmountable 59 vote margin and a majority in the electoral college. Fittingly, Biden’s apparent victory in Pennsylvania put him over the top. But, with the Biden Harris team in the lead in the “undecided” states of Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia that electoral margin seems likely to widen when the final vote is tabulated. Only the remaining states of Alaska and North Carolina appear to be falling into the Trump column, which would still leave the soon-to-be former President woefully short of an electoral majority.
Indeed, he is now on pace to lose by the same electoral majority than he compiled in defeating Clinton notwithstanding losing the popular vote to her by millions. At that time, Trump characterized his electoral college victory as a “landslide,” notwithstanding his very clear defeat in the popular vote. While compiling a head-scratchingly large cult-like following of tens of millions that propelled him to victory on 2016 and helped prop up his bizarrely incompetent presidency, Trump was never popular with the majority of Americans, except in his own muddled mind.
In winning a convincing victory, if not the overwhelming one that Democrats hoped for and that many pundits and pollsters predicted, Biden/Harris appear to have held every state won by Hillary Clinton in 2016 while “flipping” Biden’s birth state of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by narrow margins. If their narrow current leads in Arizona and Georgia hold, they will add “flips” of these traditional GOP strongholds to their list of election achievements.
Biden becomes only the third candidate since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 to unseat a sitting elected President, the others being President Ronald Reagan and President Bill Clinton. (President Jimmy Carter unseated President Gerald Ford in 1980, but Ford was never elected to either the Vice Presidency or the Presidency.) Biden also becomes the fourth Vice President in the past 70 years to later win a Presidential election.
Harris is a graduate of Howard University and Cal Hastings Law. Her win is a huge milestone for “historically black colleges” and their many talented graduates throughout our nation.
Biden is a graduate of the University of Delaware and Syracuse Law. The Harris-Biden tandem may be the first time that “non—Ivy” lawyers have held both of our top elected positions. That’s a tribute to the many fine law schools outside the Ivy League that produce the vast majority of the nation’s legal talent and fuel most of the “practical lawyering and usable scholarship” that keeps our legal system afloat.
Hopefully, our new leaders will keep that in mind when filling key positions in their upcoming Administration and particularly in making Federal Judicial appointments at all levels. That’s especially important considering the disturbing failure of many graduates of so-called “elite” law schools serving us as public officials and judges to effectively and courageously stand up to the all out assault on the rule of law, ethics, constitutionally required due process and equal protection, and human decency by the Trump regime.
Any surviving functionality and integrity in our courts and public institutions is largely the result of courageous and under-appreciated attorneys, many working pro bono, who have fought at the “retail level” of our justice system to preserve those human rights and fundamental values upon which our legal system rests. All too often, they suffered bullying and abuse from the cowardly Trump regime for their efforts, while life-tenured Federal Judges failed in their duty to intercede to protect officers of their courts and their clients whose rights were being trampled by a group of out of control White Nationalist bigots.
Thus, the Biden-Harris team will enter what is probably the most consequential Presidency in U.S. history at one of the most most difficult and contentious times. With an out of control pandemic, high unemployment, rapidly deteriorating environment, festering racism, looming healthcare, opioid, and educational crises, cratering international prestige, trade wars, a crippled and demoralized career civil service, a failing judicial system, dysfunctional immigration and refugee systems, lack of trust in Government, disquiet in the intelligence and military communities, lack of competent Executive leadership over the past four years, and about 70.3 million Americans essentially living “in a parallel universe” but still our fellow citizens and essential to our society, saving American democracy would be a daunting task for any leaders. Some would say “mission impossible.” But, I can’t think of anyone better suited than the Biden-Harris team to undertake that mission.
In a democracy, successful outcomes are never guaranteed. But, if our democracy turns out to be beyond reclamation, it almost certainly will be because “We the People” fail to give our new leaders the support they need and deserve.
As for Trump, ever the total boor and purveyor of hate, division, and lies, he sent a missive from his golf course saying that he wouldn’t concede and pledged to continue to pelt our already crumbling court system with yet more frivolous litigation. Thankfully, most news commentators chose to read only a few lines of his incoherent rant before returning to the real news surrounding Biden and Harris. How quickly even the most bombastic ones with the biggest egos become “yesterday’s news.”
So, unsurprisingly, Trump, who undoubtedly will go down as the worst, most corrupt, and least competent President in U.S. history, will exit with the same disturbing lack of class, honesty, and fundamental human decency that has characterized his four-year “nightmare reign.” Meanwhile, as he relaxes, pouts, and sulks on the links, the pandemic that he failed to take reasonable steps to address or control, and consistently and dishonestly tried to downplay, continues to rage unabated and ravish our nation.
One of the hardest hit areas: The Upper Midwest, particularly my native state of Wisconsin. That might explain why today Trump is playing golf and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are sharing center stage! For a change, its nice to have folks who represent some of the most admirable human qualities that America has produced getting their time in the spotlight.
The good news: After 12:01 PM on January 20, 2021, the majority of us won’t care about the antisocial antics of the biggest loser of this election!