Accepting 2023 Legislative Service Award from NJSBA

Jan. 2023
Sue writes:
I am honored to have received the NJSBA 2023 Distinguished Legislative Service Award, along with several immigration attorney colleagues. It is always so rewarding to be recognized by fellow attorneys. #immigration #immigrationattorney #njsba
According to the NJSBA:
The Annual Distinguished Legislative Service Award is the highest recognition and The Legislative Recognition Award is to acknowledge noteworthy legislative service. These awards are a yearly opportunity to acknowledge commitment to The NJSBA’s legislative goals and members’ willingness to testify before the State Legislature, prepare amendments and contact legislators on the Association’s behalf.
Congratulations, my friend and colleague! And, thanks for all you do for our Round Table, due process, and fundamental fairness in America! You are an indefatigable force for justice!

I look forward to being reunited with you, our Round Table colleague Judge Lory Rosenberg, and pro bono maven and course sponsor Rekha Sharma-Crawford on the faculty at the upcoming “Sixth Annual Litigation Trial College” in Kansas City, April 29-May 1! There’s still time to register, here:
🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!