Arlington Immigration Court “Chatter” — Local Immigration Attorney Says “New Sheriff In Town” — The End of “PD”

From today’s e-mail “chatter:”

“For all those who said ‘he doesn’t mean what he says’ or ‘it will not be that bad’ that is now officially bullshit. As of this afternoon all DHS Office of Chief Counsel prosecutors have been instructed not to exercise prosecutorial discretion in removal cases. The most recent executive order from the White House lists as enforcement priorities for removal those who have been CHARGED with a criminal offense whether that offense is resolved or not. In immigration offices and courts throughout the US ‘there’s a new Sheriff in town’ is driving denials and deprivation of rights. We have closed our doors to refugees and now will embark on an interior campaign against immigrants. And it is day 6.”


Sad, but predictable, based on yesterday’s Interior Enforcement Executive Order.  While it lasted, prosecutorial discretion (“PD”) was one of the best and smartest policies ever applied by immigration prosecutors.

It was a “quadruple winner:”  prosecutors got low priority cases off their overcrowded dockets; overtaxed Immigration Courts could concentrate on more important cases; respondents with equities, good records, who had lived productive lives, and paid taxes got (limited, but potentially life-saving) humanitarian relief that the courts could not offer; and communities, employers, and families in the United States got to retain individuals who were contributing to our country in large and small ways.

But, as I’ve indicated before, sometimes philosophical roadblocks (including bias and prejudice) blind folks to their own self interest. And, I’m NOT talking about the DHS Counsel here;  their hands are tied and clearly nobody asked them before the politicos changed the policies.  They are just the “messengers” for policies that they don’t necessarily endorse.

