Director, Immigration Impact Lab
CAIR Coalition
Charter Member, NDPA
PHOTO: “30 Under 30” from Forbes
NDPA Superstar 🌟 Adina Appelbaum writes on Linkedin:
Grateful for the opportunity to support undocumented students at Georgetown University tonight to learn about entrepreneurship options available to them as part of Georgetown’s UndocuHoya Month.
As a Georgetown University Law Center and Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy alumna, it was an honor to teach these brilliant students about how to navigate the immigration law, business, finance, and tax systems, so that they can become more financially empowered with the opportunities available to them through entrepreneurship.
If only all universities celebrated their undocumented students, and had people like Jennifer A. Crewalk, Ph.D. supporting them, like Georgetown.
Starting the training, it was surreal to speak about my own great grandparents who came to this country with nothing and survived by starting little candy, liquor, and grocery shops in Georgetown.
If they had been immigrants today, they would have been considered undocumented – there just weren’t the immigration laws in place at the time that labeled them as such.
Thanks, Adina, for posting this and for contributing your expertise to this program.
Proud to be part of the Georgetown U Community!
“If they had been immigrants today, they would have been considered undocumented – there just weren’t the immigration laws in place at the time that labeled them as such.”
So true for so many of us! How soon we as a nation forget our immigrant history and heritage!
🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!