Her agent, “Danny From Centerfold Features” tells TMZ “he’s been working with Stormy for 5 years now and this is hands down the most sought-after she’s ever been.”
Finally, The Donald is “revving up” America’s “infrastructure!” For more on this story, you can go over to TMZ.com (at your own risk, of course).
Comcast just signed Stormy Davis to lip sing a “Stormy Weather” video. Plans to release concurrent with 2019 Impeachment proceedings as part of Multi-Media Special. Singing Voice actually from Lena Horne. Guest Appearance by Fanne Foxe.
Check out the Whole Lena Horne (Video & Audio) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJvYo5pZEfE
Check Out for Old Times Sake 1976 photos of Fanne Foxe including some with House and Ways Committee Chairman Wilbur Mills just before the Fall. Ranked Top 10 US Sex Scandal according to WIKI. At https://www.google.com/search?q=Fanny+Foxe&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS703US703&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjA9ayU4fHYAhVDwWMKHS3WDAQQ_AUICygC&biw=1093&bih=510
Wow! Fanne Fox, the “Argentinian Firecracker” a/k/a “The Tidal Basin Bombshell,” what a “blast from the past.” I was a mere kid of 26 in my first full year as a BIA Attorney Advisor when she was fished out of the Tidal Basin one night with House Ways & Means Chairman Wilbur Mills in tow. They really knew how to do scandals in those days! WM blamed it all on alcohol. Then, there was Wayne Hayes, Congressman from Ohio, Chair of the Oversight Committee I believe and his “Secretary” Liz Ray. Liz’s own summary of her resume became an instant Washington Classic: “I can’t type, I can’t file, I can’t even answer the phone.” She spilled the beans to the press after she got PO’d because he didn’t invite her to his wedding. Now there was a BAD decision!
Trump is so totally corrupt, immoral, brazen, and dishonest that he has drained all of the “fun” and “color” out of scandal.
I knew I was getting old when I compared some more recent scandal with the Fannie Fox & Liz Ray scandals and the interns didn’t have a clue what I was referencing!
Thanks for the memories,