GONZO’S WORLD: GONZO DISSES FIRST LADY’S KINDNESS TO KIDS PROGRAM AT ROLLOUT! — His Official Policy Of Child Abuse Will Have Long Term Adverse Effects – US Will Go Down In Infamy As Nation That Enabled Traumatization Of Vulnerable Children!


Irwin Redlener writes in the Washington Post:

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It is hard to imagine a more stressful situation for a young child than to be forcibly taken from his or her parents and detained with strangers. Sometimes this unfortunate outcome is necessary when children are the victims of parental violence or severe neglect. But in the case of current U.S. policy as articulated by the attorney general, the “abuser” is the federal government.

Forced separation of children and their parents is “child abuse by government.” And in this case, knowing what we now know about the consequences of severe stress in children, it is no stretch to assert that these new federal policies are not just cruel but also can have lifelong consequences for their child victims.

If Melania Trump meant what she said about children, she might want to organize a heart-to-heart meeting with the attorney general — and with her husband. Maybe the first lady could advocate for policies that reflect the spirit of her new agenda and a commitment to protect vulnerable families seeking safety and opportunity in the United States.


Read the complete, very disturbing, article at the link. What kind of country with what kind of values puts a child abuser in charge of its legal system? Under Trump & Sessions, America has gone from a defender to an abuser of human rights. Sessions is a refutation of human decency every day that he is allowed to remain in the office for which he was so spectacularly unqualified in the first place.

Senator Liz Warren was right. Remember McConnell and the other smug Republicans who put this horrible individual in place to damage our youth and our reputation as a nation of laws, decency,  and human compassion.

