LET THE ABUSES CONTINUE, FOR NOW: 9th Cir. Narrows Injunction, Gives Regime More Time To Run To Supremes In “Let ‘Em Die in Mexico” Case!

Alicia A. Caldwell
Alicia A. Caldwell
Immigration Reporter
Wall Street Journal
Brent Kendall
Brent Kendall
Legal Reporter
Wall Street Journal


Brent Kendall and Alicia Caldwell report for the WSJ:

A fed­eral ap­peals court for now agreed to nar­row the ef­fect of its re­cent rul­ing that blocked a Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion pol­icy of re­turn­ing im­mi­grants at the south­ern U.S. bor­der to Mex­ico while their re­quests for asy­lum are con­sid­ered.

The San Fran­cisco-based Ninth U.S. Cir­cuit Court of Ap­peals, in an or­der is­sued Wednes­day, said it ruled cor­rectly last week that the ad­min­is­tration’s “Re­main in Mex­ico” pol­icy is un­law­ful. But the court ac­knowl­edged the “in­tense and ac­tive con­troversy” over na­tion­wide in­junc­tions against ad­min­istra­tion poli­cies and said it would limit its rul­ing for now to the two bor­der states within its ju­ris­diction: Ari­zona and Cal­i­fornia.

. . .

The Ninth Cir­cuit also said none of its rul­ing would go into ef­fect un­til March 12, to give the Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion a week to ask the Supreme Court for an emer­gency stay to keep the pol­icy in place every-where for the time be­ing.


The plaintiffs have already “won” this case about the regime’s unlawful actions twice. But, they are yet to get any meaningful relief. Instead, folks continue to suffer and be irreparably harmed while the wheels of justice slowly grind.

