AS AMERICA SINKS INTO MISERY & CONFUSION, TRUMP TURNS ATTENTION TO THE REALLY IMPORTANT STUFF LIKE PARDONING FLYNN — FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BOBBLES MESSGE FOR OWN EMPLOYEES! — In The “Time Of The Plague,” It’s Not So Good To Have An Idiot & His Kakistocracy In Charge Of Your Government!–as-the-rest-of-the-country-isolates-itself/2020/03/15/d7915324-66cc-11ea-abef-020f086a3fab_story.html

Trump, Moron

The WashPost reports:


Lisa Rein,

Ian Duncan and

Tracy Jan

March 15, 2020 at 9:11 p.m. EDT

Most of the nation’s 2.1 million federal employees will report to work Monday to tightly packed office cubicles and other workplaces where they serve the public, even as schools and colleges across the country have closed, businesses have sent their staffs home to work and governors have canceled public activities to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Top U.S. health officials are urging Americans to limit close contact with others, but the federal government appears to be hunkering down to limit disruption, creating widespread anxiety for employees who fear they are putting themselves and their families at risk.

Sunday night, in response to mounting criticism, the Trump administration urged agencies in the Washington area to “offer maximum telework flexibilities” to employees who are eligible for remote work.

The guidance followed a recommendation from the acting White House budget director Friday that limited telework to the elderly, pregnant or those with health risks. But Sunday’s directive was not mandatory, and it left out most of the government. Just 15 percent of the federal workforce is in the D.C. area.

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Read the rest of the article at the link.

Remember, the same moron who eliminated the White House Pandemic Planning Unit (then lied about it to the nation) was just a few short weeks ago, as the pandemic was spreading worldwide, working on plans to limit or eliminate telework for Federal employees.

