🇺🇸🗽⚖️😎BREAKING: FINALLY! — U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan Enjoins Biden’s Scofflaw Continuation Of Trump’s Illegal & Immoral Misuse Of Title 42 To Abuse Asylum Seekers! –“There is generally no public interest in the perpetuation of an unlawful agency action.”

Hon. Emmet G. Sullivan
Hon. Emmet G. Sullivan
US District Judge

Here’s the decision in Huisha-Huisha v. Mayorkas:



Finally, Defendants argue that “[a]ny time [the government]
is enjoined by a court from effectuating statutes enacted by
representatives of its people, it suffers a form of irreparable
injury.” Defs.’ Opp’n, ECF No. 76 at 38 (quoting Maryland v.
King, 133 S. Ct. 1, 3 (2012)). But, as explained above, the
Title 42 Process is likely unlawful, and “[t]here is generally
no public interest in the perpetuation of an unlawful agency
action.” Newby, 838 F.3d at 12.


“There is generally no public interest in the perpetuation of an unlawful agency action.” Yup! Couldn’t have said it better myself!

Who knows if this will stand. Both the DC Circuit and the Supremes have too often been willing to allow continued Government abuse of the rights of “mere migrants,”  mostly of color, because they can’t really see them as fellow human beings,  entitled to due process, justice, and human dignity!

But, at least for this moment in time, it’s a victory for due process, humanity, and judicial integrity.

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!

