🇺🇸JULY 4, 2022 — AMERICAN DEMOCRACY IS AT A CROSSROADS ⤲ — But, There Is A Bit Of Encouraging News 😎About An Upcoming Appointment To the Immigration Court!


No, one appointment can’t fix a broken system! And, there are still far, far too many “90% deniers” on the Immigration Bench! 

Additionally, the BIA keeps churning out just about everything but badly needed and long overdue precedents making the legally appropriate and more generous version of asylum promoted by the Biden Administration during their election campaign a reality. That logically should have followed on the heels of Garland’s decisions to vacate some of the very worst and most legally incorrect Trump-era precedents. 

Certainly, justice has been harmed by Garland’s failure to “clean house” at the BIA and to bring in asylum experts who would aggressively issue positive asylum precedents while making sure that “deny ‘em all” IJs either got the message or got off the bench! 

But, I have learned that later this month, one of the finest legal minds in America will be assuming an appointment as a U.S. Immigration Judge. It’s a tough assignment right now, but an opportunity to save some lives, teach others from the bench, and “model” the type of Federal Judiciary for the future that Garland should already be showcasing at EOIR.

I always appreciate it when “the best and the brightest” apply for these cosmically important Immigration Judge position at both the trial and appellate levels. Never has their country needed them and their skills more. 

I am also gratified when Garland actually picks at least some of the best and most talented for these jobs. Clearly, that that hasn’t always been the case in the past under Administrations of both parties, as the current meltdown and dysfunction at EOIR with lives and futures at stake shows. Let’s hope it is the wave of the future!

🇺🇸Happy July 4, & Due Process Forever!

