⚖️📚 WHAT MAKES LAW TEACHING WORTHWHILE! — SPOILER ALERT: It Isn’t US News & World Reports Rankings — “One law student at a time”

Student note to a pair of immigration professors:

Forgot  to thank both of you for an amazing semester! This class has helped me not feel too down about law school and not judge my intelligence. I liked that both of you show the human side of law. Thank you for not only showing us that the subject is based on people, but also teaching  in a way that showed you were approachable. I love that both of you know how to turn off the legal side and just talk to students about ordinary life, which has helped a lot in my ability to approach other professors. And, you both taught in a language that I can actually understand. Thanks again and I hope to have other professors like the two of you in the future!”

From a student in our Immigration Law I course. Thursday was the final class of the semester.


This is one reason why the NDPA has been such a formidable force for due process and against Government human rights abuses and “bad law.”

It also shows why more and more immigration and immigration clinical professors are not only receiving tenure, but are “moving up the leadership ladder” at their institutions. 

Immigration law teaching has been far, far ahead of the curve in teaching “law you can use” and practical skills that not only spell success in legal practice but in all aspects of life. One of these is taking complex subjects and breaking them down into understandable terms and pieces that make sense and relate to human experience.

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!

