Washington Post Columnist
PHOTO: WashPost
Perry Bacon, Jr. writes in WashPost:
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Biden taking this stance on criminal justice issues comes after the administration recently announced a series of restrictions on asylum seeking so stringent that some former Biden staffers are likening them to Donald Trump’s policies.
I think these decisions are largely about electoral politics. A big part of Biden’s 2024 strategy is to win Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin again. These states are disproportionately White and have a lot of swing voters who are moderate or conservative on issues such as immigration.
“Electoral politics trump values when it comes to access to asylum,” a Biden administration official recently told the Los Angeles Times.
But I am still not convinced these moves are good politics. Republicans are going to cast Democrats as too lenient on crime and immigration no matter what. I am skeptical these Republican attacks would be significantly more effective because Biden let the D.C. criminal code revisions go into effect or was more lenient to asylum seekers. It’s not as if he has delivered a major speech calling for open borders or defunding the police.
At the same time, voters know the Democratic Party is the one that is more supportive of immigration and making the criminal justice system less punitive. So I am also skeptical that Biden moving to the right on these issues in early 2023 in fairly subtle ways is going to help that much.
And while the electoral effects are fairly unclear, the policy ones are very obvious. Biden is embracing immigration limitations that a future President Trump or DeSantis would build on. The next Republican president will try to silence critics by noting that a Democratic president did similar things.
There will be some people who truly deserve asylum who won’t get it because of Biden’s new policies. It is hard to imagine a Republican president respecting D.C. home rule if a Democratic one won’t. It is extremely disappointing that a heavily White coalition (congressional Republicans, swing-district Democrats and Biden) is reversing the decisions of the government of heavily Black D.C.
Biden appears to be emulating his Democratic predecessors. It’s hard to definitively prove when a politician does something for electoral reasons. But the list of actions taken by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama as candidates and presidents that likely were done in part to appeal to White swing voters is long and troubling: Clinton’s criticism of the rapper Sister Souljah, in part to distance himself from Jesse Jackson, the leading civil rights activist of that time; his decision to leave the campaign trail to preside over an execution in his role as Arkansas governor; his enactment as president of anti-crime and anti-welfare provisions that embraced anti-Black stereotypes of that era; Obama, as a senator from Illinois, criticizing the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who conducted Obama’s wedding; and Obama often ducking addressing racial issues, particularly in his first term.
I assume Clinton and Obama would argue that their actions were better than letting a Republican be elected. And that they sincerely believed in most or all of them. Biden might argue that his moves to the right will literally save democracy, because the Republican Party of today is so radical.
But if you have to override the elected local representatives of a place (D.C.) that has no representation in Congress to woo swing voters in Wisconsin, you are trying to preserve something less than an ideal democracy.
There must be ways for Biden to appeal to White swing voters that don’t involve backtracking from core principles such as asylum rights, D.C. home rule and a fair criminal justice system. His reelection is a big thing. It’s not the only thing.
Very “spot on” analysis by Perry of why once in office, Dems often betray supporters and abandon values — without getting much in return, but also without consequences for their repeated treachery,
So, according to Biden and the toady Dems (“DINOs?”) who surround him, “access to asylum” — which happens to be a legal right guaranteed by law — is just another “strategic option” — totally expendable, like the many grass roots progressive Dems who support it and helped elect Biden/Harris in 2020.
The progressive social justice movement thus finds itself at a perilous crossroads. It has grown and amassed a remarkable wealth of talent, energy, and a commitment to taking a diverse America into a better democratic future. It also represents values and practical solutions that should appeal to the majority of Americans.
Yet, it finds itself without a political home and lacking meaningful political influence. Thanks to Biden, progressives find themselves spending far too much of their time and energy re-fighting fundamental battles that they won years ago, undone by Trump, and now adopted and “normalized” by Biden.
And despite many impressive successes in defending democratic principles in increasingly conservative courts, progressives lack the political power and strategy to “out-punch” the radical neo-fascist right. The latter group consistently “punches above its weight” politically.
Next up on the Biden betrayal list — return of “Family Gulags.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/06/us/politics/biden-immigration-family-detention.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare

Public Realm
Can “Kids in Cages” — perhaps displayed outside next year’s Democratic Convention to show that this Administration is “tough as nails” when it comes to beating up on the most vulnerable and ignoring laws they are too incompetent and cowardly to implement — be far behind?
I’ve said this before: Until progressives can band together and develop a political strategy (perhaps not unlike the “Freedom Caucus” in the GOP) for making spineless Dems like Biden and Harris pay a political price for abandoning values and disrespecting grass roots supporters, they will continue to be abused, humiliated, and treated as expendable by a Dem Party that time and time again has demonstrated an inability and unwillingness to govern according to principles and fundamental values. Why keep voting, funding, and supporting folks who don’t represent your values any more than the GOP does?
That’s a serious question that progressives need to answer. It’s particularly pertinent for younger progressives whom Dems see as the “future of the party,” while taking your support for granted and without committing to represent or stand up for your deeply held values. Sounds like a bad deal to me!
Dems, as a whole, suffer from a chronic inability to distinguish their friends from their enemies. Progressives, particularly the “younger generation,” would do well to learn the difference and act accordingly!
🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!