Border Reporter
PHOTO: Melissadelbosque.com

Strauss Center for International Law & Security
PHOTO: Strauss Center
This podcast from Melissa Del Bosque of The Border Chronicle and Caitlyn Yates, who actually works with migrants in the Darien Gap, gives real life perspective on the humanitarian crisis and all the reasons why more cruelty, punishment, and deadly deterrence isn’t going to solve the flow of forced migrants. But, unhappily, policy makers aren’t interested in the voices of those who actually have experience with forced migrants, nor are they interested in learning from the forced migrants themselves — a logical — if constantly ignored — starting point for making sound policy decisions!

Colmar – Unterlinden Museum – The Isenheim Altarpiece 1512-16 by Matthias Grünewald (ca 1470-1528) – Visit of Saint Anthony the Great to Saint Paul the Hermit in the Wilderness
Creative Commons
Four “takeaways” on what a consensus on migration should be:
- Human migration is real;
- Forced migration is largely beyond the unilateral control of any one nation;
- Deterrence alone won’t stop migration;
- More legal pathways for migration are necessary.
We’re a long way from that needed consensus right now!
🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!